vifmrc-converter - Online in the Cloud

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vifmrc-converter - a helper script for vifm


Only called automagically from within vifm

vifmrc-converter 0|1|2 [vifmrc_file vifminfo_file]


A helper script for vifm, not for standalone use.

It's main purpose is to automatically convert configuration files (vifmrc, vifminfo,
startup and colorschemes files) of vifm prior to 0.7 version to new format. You don't
have to run it by yourself, vifm will do this for you after asking some questions at first

0 Makes vifmrc-converter create more vi-like configuration. Will put as much as
possible to vifmrc file, and less to vifminfo.

1 Makes vifmrc-converter create more old-vifm-like configuration. vifmrc file is
generated as for 0, but with commented out commands and more things are put to
vifminfo file.

2 Converting of colorscheme file only.

When vifmrc_file and vifminfo_file arguments are ommited, default locations are used
(~/.vifm/vifmrc and ~/.vifm/vifminfo accordingly).

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