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vilistextum - html to ascii converter


vilistextum [OPTIONS] [inputfile |-] [outputfile | -]


vilistextum is a html to ascii converter specifically programmed to get the best out of
incorrect html.


inputfile,- resp. outputfile,-
replace inputfile with '-' for reading from standard input, likewise outputfile
with '-' for writing to standard output.

-a, --no-alt
don't output anything for IMG tags even if they have an ALT attribute. Implies

-c, --convert-tags
some tags will be converted to special characters.

-e, --errorlevel NUMBER
increase level of verbosity for error messages (0: No error messages).

-i, --defimage STRING
IMG tags without alt attribute are output as [STRING].

-l, --links
numbers the links in the document and creates footnotes of each link at the end of
the file.

-k, --links-inline
print the links directly after the html tag.

-m, --dont-convert-characters
don't convert the entities from windows1252 (€-Ÿ and their proper entity

-n, --no-image
don't output [Image] for IMG tags that have no ALT attribute.

-p, --palm
output text more suitable for reading on a PDA.

-r, --remove-empty-alt
if there is an empty ALT attribute in a IMG tag (eg <IMG href="/..." alt="">), don't
output '[]'.

-s, --shrink-lines [NUMBER]
if there are more than NUMBER empty lines, output only NUMBER. Default: 1.

-t, --no-title
don't output title.

-w, --width NUMBER
maximum line width.

-h, --help
display this help and exit

-v, --version
output version information and exit

MULTIBYTE OPTIONS (Only available if compiled with multibyte support)

-u, --output-utf-8
instead of the character set of the html document, everything will be output as

-x, --translit
use the //TRANSLIT feature of libiconv. Consult the iconv manual for details.

-y, --charset CHARSET
if the HTML document doesn't provide a character set in the meta tags, use CHARSET.


The rendering of tables is not very good.

The handling of OL is incomplete. The program treats it as UL and more than 10 nested
lists confuse it.

Text is never justified.


Please report bugs to <[email protected]>.

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