virt-log - Online in the Cloud

This is the command virt-log that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



virt-log - Display log files from a virtual machine


virt-log [--options] -d domname

virt-log [--options] -a disk.img [-a disk.img ...]


"virt-log" is a command line tool to display the log files from the named virtual machine
(or disk image).

This tool understands and displays both plain text log files (eg. /var/log/messages) and
binary formats such as the systemd journal.

To display other types of files, use virt-cat(1). To copy files out of a virtual machine,
use virt-copy-out(1). To display the contents of the Windows Registry, use


Display the complete logs from a guest:

virt-log -d mydomain | less

Find out what DHCP IP address a VM acquired:

virt-log -d mydomain | grep 'dhclient.*bound to'


Display brief help.

-a file
--add file
Add file which should be a disk image from a virtual machine. If the virtual machine
has multiple block devices, you must supply all of them with separate -a options.

The format of the disk image is auto-detected. To override this and force a
particular format use the --format=.. option.

-a URI
--add URI
Add a remote disk. See "ADDING REMOTE STORAGE" in guestfish(1).

-c URI
--connect URI
If using libvirt, connect to the given URI. If omitted, then we connect to the
default libvirt hypervisor.

If you specify guest block devices directly (-a), then libvirt is not used at all.

-d guest
--domain guest
Add all the disks from the named libvirt guest. Domain UUIDs can be used instead of

When prompting for keys and passphrases, virt-log normally turns echoing off so you
cannot see what you are typing. If you are not worried about Tempest attacks and
there is no one else in the room you can specify this flag to see what you are typing.

The default for the -a option is to auto-detect the format of the disk image. Using
this forces the disk format for -a options which follow on the command line. Using
--format with no argument switches back to auto-detection for subsequent -a options.

For example:

virt-log --format=raw -a disk.img

forces raw format (no auto-detection) for disk.img.

virt-log --format=raw -a disk.img --format -a another.img

forces raw format (no auto-detection) for disk.img and reverts to auto-detection for

If you have untrusted raw-format guest disk images, you should use this option to
specify the disk format. This avoids a possible security problem with malicious
guests (CVE-2010-3851).

Read key or passphrase parameters from stdin. The default is to try to read
passphrases from the user by opening /dev/tty.

Enable verbose messages for debugging.

Display version number and exit.

-x Enable tracing of libguestfs API calls.


This program returns 0 if successful, or non-zero if there was an error.

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