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vislcg3 - This application is part of ( cg3 )

This tool is part of the CG-3 constraint grammar system:


vislcg3 [OPTIONS]


vislcg3 is the grammar parser and disambiguator in the VISL constraint grammar system. It
chooses between different analyses (or "readings") of a word delivered by a morphological
analyser based on a set of grammatical rules.

By default, vislcg3 reads input from stdin and writes output to stdout.


-h, --help
shows this help

-?, --?
shows this help

-V, --version
prints copyright and version information

-g, --grammar
specifies the grammar file to use for disambiguation

writes the compiled grammar in textual form to a file

writes the compiled grammar in binary form to a file

only compiles the grammar; implies --verbose

(will in future allow full ordered matching)

-u, --unsafe
allows the removal of all readings in a cohort, even the last one

-s, --sections
number or ranges of sections to run; defaults to all sections

number or ranges of rules to run; defaults to all rules

--rule a name or number of a single rule to run

-d, --debug
enables debug output (very noisy)

-v, --verbose
increases verbosity

-2, --vislcg-compat
enables compatibility mode for older CG-2 and vislcg grammars

-I, --stdin
file to read input from instead of stdin

-O, --stdout
file to print output to instead of stdout

-E, --stderr
file to print errors to instead of stderr

-C, --codepage-all
codepage to use for grammar, input, and output streams; defaults to UTF-8

codepage to use for grammar; overrides --codepage-all

codepage to use for input; overrides --codepage-all

codepage to use for output and errors; overrides --codepage-all

-L, --locale-all
locale to use for grammar, input, and output streams; defaults to en_US_POSIX

locale to use for grammar; overrides --locale-all

locale to use for input; overrides --locale-all

locale to use for output and errors; overrides --locale-all

disables all MAP, ADD, and REPLACE rules

disables all SUBSTITUTE and APPEND rules

disables all rules in BEFORE-SECTIONS parts

disables all rules in SECTION parts

disables all rules in AFTER-SECTIONS parts

-t, --trace
prints debug output alongside with normal output

if a rule is named, omit the line number; implies --trace

does not print removed readings; implies --trace

traces which enclosure pass is currently happening; implies --trace

make no actual changes to the input

runs each section only once; same as --max-runs 1

runs each section max N times; defaults to unlimited (0)

-S, --statistics
gathers profiling statistics while applying grammar

-Z, --optimize-unsafe
destructively optimize the profiled grammar to be faster

-z, --optimize-safe
conservatively optimize the profiled grammar to be faster

-p, --prefix
sets the mapping prefix; defaults to @

outputs Unicode code points for things like ->

outputs unique tags only once per reading

number of windows to keep in before/ahead buffers; defaults to 2

forces scanning tests to always span across window boundaries

number of cohorts after which the SOFT-DELIMITERS kick in; defaults to 300

number of cohorts after which the window is forcefully cut; defaults to 500

-D, --dep-delimit
delimit windows based on dependency instead of DELIMITERS; defaults to 10

outputs the original input dependency tag even if it is no longer valid

allows the creation of circular dependencies

prevents the creation of dependencies that would result in crossing branches

prevents running rules on magic readings

-o, --no-pass-origin
prevents scanning tests from passing the point of origin

-e, --show-end-tags
allows the <<< tags to appear in output

prints a list of unused sets and their line numbers; implies --grammar-only

prints a list of tags and their hashes as they are parsed during the run

prints a list of sets and their hashes; implies --grammar-only

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