volk_gnsssdr_profile - Online in the Cloud

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volk_gnsssdr_profile - Profiler application for libvolk_gnsssdr functions.


volk_gnsssdr_profile [OPTION]


The Vector-Optimized Library of Kernels of GNSS-SDR (VOLK_GNSSSDR) is a software library
that provides developers with an interface to use Single Input - Multiple Data (SIMD)
instructions, which are of special interest for operations that are in the receiver's
critical path of the processing load.

Processors providing SIMD instruction sets compute with multiple processing elements that
perform the same operation on multiple data points simultaneously, thus exploiting data-
level parallelism, an can be found in most modern desktop and laptop personal computers.
In a nutshell, VOLK_GNSSSDR implements in assembly language optimized versions of
computationally-intensive operations for different processor architectures that are
commonly found in modern computers. In order to use the most optimized version for the
specific processor(s) of the host machine running the software receiver (that is, the
implementation than runs the fastest).

volk_gnsssdr_profile is a program that tests all known VOLK_GNSSSDR kernels (that is,
basic processing components like adders, multipliers, correlators, and much more) for each
architecture supported by the host machine, measuring their performance. When finished,
the profiler writes to $HOME/.volk_gnsssdr/volk_gnsssdr_config the best architecture for
each VOLK_GSSSDR function. This file is read when using a function to know the best
version to execute.


volk_gnsssdr_profile takes the following options:

-h [ --help ] Print help message.

-b [ --benchmark ] [ =arg(=1) ] (=0) Run all kernels (benchmark mode).

-R [ --tests-regex ] <arg> Run tests matching regular expression.

-j [ --json ] <arg> JSON output file.

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