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vos_changeaddr - Online in the Cloud

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vos_changeaddr - Changes or removes a file server machine's entry in the VLDB


vos changeaddr -oldaddr <original IP address>
[-newaddr <new IP address>] [-remove]
[-cell <cell name>] [-noauth] [-localauth]
[-verbose] [-encrypt] [-noresolve] [-help]

vos changea -o <original IP address>
[-ne <new IP address>] [-r]
[-c <cell name>]
[-noa] [-l] [-v] [-e] [-nor] [-h]


The vos changeaddr command removes a server entry from the Volume Location Database (VLDB)
when the -remove flag is combined with the -oldaddr argument. There must be no VLDB
entries that list the machine as a site for any version of a volume (if necessary, use the
vos move or vos remove command to more or remove volumes). It is appropriate to remove a
VLDB server entry when removing the corresponding file server machine from service; this
is the only recommended use of the command.

To display all VLDB server entries, use the vos listaddrs command.


Combining the command's -oldaddr and -newaddr arguments is no longer the appropriate way
to change the IP address registered for a file server machine. Furthermore, if a machine
is multihomed and its server entry includes several addresses, then the address specified
with the -newaddr argument replaces all of the addresses currently listed in the server
entry that includes the address specified by the -oldaddr argument. This effectively makes
the machine single-homed with respect to AFS operations, which is probably not the desired

The recommended method for changing the IP addresses in a server entry is instead to
restart the "fs" process group (which includes the File Server) after using the utilities
provided by the operating system to reconfigure the machine's network interfaces. For a
description of how the File Server constructs and registers a list of its network
interfaces in the VLDB, see sysid(5).

If, counter to recommended usage, the command is used to change the IP address in a server
entry, it does not also change the names of machine entries in the Protection Database.
Operations fail when they refer to a protection group that has an obsolete IP address in
it. Use the pts rename command to change the names of machine entries that correspond to
the addresses changed with this command. Changing the address of a database server machine
also requires updating the client and server versions of the CellServDB file on every


-oldaddr <original IP address>
Specifies the IP address currently registered for the file server machine in the VLDB
server entry. If there are multiple addresses registered for a multihomed machine, use
any of them to identify the server entry.

-newaddr <new IP address>
Specifies the new IP address that replaces all currently registered addresses.

Removes from the VLDB the server entry that includes the address specified by the
-oldaddr argument.

-cell <cell name>
Names the cell in which to run the command. Do not combine this argument with the
-localauth flag. For more details, see vos(1).

Assigns the unprivileged identity "anonymous" to the issuer. Do not combine this flag
with the -localauth flag. For more details, see vos(1).

Constructs a server ticket using a key from the local /etc/openafs/server/KeyFile
file. The vos command interpreter presents it to the Volume Server and Volume Location
Server during mutual authentication. Do not combine this flag with the -cell argument
or -noauth flag. For more details, see vos(1).

Produces on the standard output stream a detailed trace of the command's execution. If
this argument is omitted, only warnings and error messages appear.

Encrypts the command so that the operation's results are not transmitted across the
network in clear text. This option is available in OpenAFS versions 1.4.11 or later
and 1.5.60 or later.

Shows all servers as IP addresses instead of the DNS name. This is very useful when
the server address is registered as or when dealing with multi-homed
servers. This option is available in OpenAFS versions 1.4.8 or later and 1.5.35 or

Prints the online help for this command. All other valid options are ignored.


The following command removes the VLDB server entry that includes the IP address

% vos changeaddr -oldaddr -remove


Issuer must be listed in the /etc/openafs/server/UserList file on the machine specified
with the -oldaddr argument and on each database server machine.

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