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winepath - Tool to convert Unix paths to/from Win32 paths


winepath option {path}


winepath is a tool to convert a Unix path to/from a Win32 (short/long) path compatible
with its Microsoft Windows counterpart.

If more than one option is given then the input paths are output in all formats specified,
in the order long, short, Unix, Windows. If no option is given the default output is Unix


-u, --unix
converts a Windows path to a Unix path.

-w, --windows
converts a Unix path to a long Windows path.

-l, --long
converts the short Windows path of an existing file or directory to the long

-s, --short
converts the long Windows path of an existing file or directory to the short

-0 separate output with \0 character, instead of a newline.

-h, --help
shows winepath help message and exit.

-v, --version
shows version information and exit.

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