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woo - Online in the Cloud

Run woo in OnWorks free hosting provider over Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator

This is the command woo that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



ver. - manual page for ver. 1.0-1 (openmp,opengl,gts,vtk,qt4)


usage: woo [-h] [--version] [-j THREADS] [--cores CORES] [--cl-dev CLDEV] [-n]

[-D] [--quirks QUIRKS] [--flavor FLAVOR] [--batch-table BATCHTABLE] [--batch-line
BATCHLINE] [--batch-results BATCHRESULTS] [-c COMMANDS] [-e EXPR] [--paused]
[--nice NICE] [-x] [-v] [-R] [--test] [--no-gdb] [--in-gdb] [--in-pdb]
[--in-valgrind] [--fake-display] ...

Woo: open-source platform for dynamic compuations, http://woodem.eu.

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
-h, --help
show this help message and exit


-j THREADS, --threads THREADS
Number of OpenMP threads to run; unset (0) by default, which means to use all
available cores, but at most 4. Equivalent to setting OMP_NUM_THREADS environment

--cores CORES
Comma-separated list of cores to use - determined number of OpenMP threads and sets
affinity for those threads as well.

--cl-dev CLDEV
Numerical couple (comma-separated) givin OpenCL platform/device indices. This is
machine-dependent value

-n Run without graphical interface (equivalent to unsetting the DISPLAY environment

-D, --debug
Run the debug build, if available.

--quirks QUIRKS
Bitmask for workarounds for broken configurations; all quirks are enabled by
default. 1: set LIBGL_ALWAYS_SOFTWARE=1 for Intel GPUs (determined from `lspci |
grep VGA`) (avoids GPU freeze), 2: set --in-gdb when on AMD FirePro GPUs to avoid
crash in fglrx.so (only when using the fglrx driver)

--flavor FLAVOR
Build flavor of woo to use.

--batch-table BATCHTABLE
Batch table file.

--batch-line BATCHLINE
Batch table line.

--batch-results BATCHRESULTS
Batch results file.

Run these python commands after the start (use -x to exit afterwards)

Evaluate this expression (instead of loading file). It should be a scene object or
a preprocessor, which will be run

When proprocessor or simulation is given on the command-line, don't run it
automatically (default)

--nice NICE
Increase nice level (i.e. decrease priority) by given number.

-x Exit when the script finishes

-v Increase logging verbosity; first occurence sets default logging level to info
(only available if built with log4cxx), second to debug, third to trace.

-R, --rebuild
Re-run build in the source directory, then run the updated woo with the same
command line except --rebuild. The build flavor for this build and its stored
parameters will be used. If given twice, update from the repository will be
attempted before recompilation.

--test Run regression test suite and exit; the exists status is 0 if all tests pass, 1 if
a test fails and 2 for an unspecified exception.

Do not show backtrace when Woo crashes (only effective with \-\-debug).

Run Woo inside gdb (must be in $PATH).

Run Woo inside pdb

Run inside valgrind (must be in $PATH); automatically adds python ignore files

Allow importing the woo.qt4 module without initializing Qt4. This is only useful
for generating documentation and should not be used otherwise.

Use woo online using onworks.net services

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