xastir_udp_client - Online in the Cloud

This is the command xastir_udp_client that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



xastir_udp_client - send simple messages to xastir for APRS(tm) network.


xastir_udp_client <hostname> <port> <callsign> <passcode> {-identify | [-to_rf] <message>}


xastir_udp_client sends packets into the UDP listening port of an enabled xastir instance.


xastir_udp_client localhost 2023 <callsign> <passcode> "APRS Packet Goes Here"

Currently that will inject the packet into Xastir's decoding routines and send it to any
TCP-connected clients. It will also igate it to the INET if you have igating enabled. It
will send the packet out the RF ports as third-party packets only if you add the "-to_rf"
flag after the passcode like this:

xastir_udp_client localhost 2023 <callsign> <passcode> -to_rf "APRS Packet"

The UDP client is useful for generating and injecting APRS packets from external scripts.
It can also be used to fetch the callsign of the remote xastir server by using the
-identify flag:

xastir_udp_client localhost 2023 <callsign> <passcode> -identify


This is a very simple utility that provides no validation of message content.

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