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xcmsdb - Device Color Characterization utility for X Color Management System


xcmsdb [ -query ] [ -remove ] [ -format 32|16|8 ] [ -help ] [ -version ] [ filename ]


xcmsdb is used to load, query, or remove Device Color Characterization data stored in
properties on the root window of the screen as specified in section 7, Device Color
Characterization, of the ICCCM. Device Color Characterization data (also called the
Device Profile) is an integral part of Xlib's X Color Management System (Xcms), necessary
for proper conversion of color specification between device-independent and device-
dependent forms. Xcms uses 3x3 matrices stored in the XDCCC_LINEAR_RGB_MATRICES property
to convert color specifications between CIEXYZ and RGB Intensity (XcmsRGBi, also referred
to as linear RGB). Xcms then uses display gamma information stored in the
XDCCC_LINEAR_RGB_CORRECTION property to convert color specifications between RGBi and RGB
device (XcmsRGB, also referred to as device RGB).

Note that Xcms allows clients to register function sets in addition to its built-in
function set for CRT color monitors. Additional function sets may store their device
profile information in other properties in function set specific format. This utility is
unaware of these non-standard properties.

The ASCII readable contents of filename (or the standard input if no input file is given)
are appropriately transformed for storage in properties, provided the -query or -remove
options are not specified.


xcmsdb program accepts the following options:

-query This option attempts to read the XDCCC properties off the screen's root window.
If successful, it transforms the data into a more readable format, then sends the
data to standard out.

-remove This option attempts to remove the XDCCC properties on the screen's root window.

-format 32|16|8
Specifies the property format (32, 16, or 8 bits per entry) for the
XDCCC_LINEAR_RGB_CORRECTION property. Precision of encoded floating point values
increases with the increase in bits per entry. The default is 32 bits per entry.

-help This option prints a summary of the available options and exits.

This option prints the program version and exits.

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