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xconsole - Online in the Cloud

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xconsole - monitor system console messages with X


xconsole [-toolkitoption ...] [-file file-name] [-notify] [-stripNonprint] [-daemon]
[-verbose] [-exitOnFail]


The xconsole program displays messages which are usually sent to /dev/console.


Xconsole accepts all of the standard X Toolkit command line options along with the
additional options listed below:

-file file-name
To monitor some other device, use this option to specify the device name. This
does not work on regular files as they are always ready to be read from.

-notify -nonotify
When new data are received from the console and the notify option is set, the icon
name of the application has " *" appended, so that it is evident even when the
application is iconified. -notify is the default.

-daemon This option causes xconsole to place itself in the background, using fork/exit.

When set, this option directs xconsole to display an informative message in the
first line of the text buffer.

When set, this option directs xconsole to exit when it is unable to redirect the
console output.

-saveLines count
When set, xconsole only preserves count lines of message history instead of
growing the text buffer without bound (a count of zero - the default - is treated
as placing no limit on the history).


This program uses the Athena Text widget, look in the Athena Widget Set documentation for
controlling it.

Xconsole otherwise accepts resources of the same names as the command-line options
(without the leading dash). "file" is a string type, "saveLines" an integer, and the
remaining options are booleans.


In order to specify resources, it is useful to know the hierarchy of the widgets which
compose xconsole. In the notation below, indentation indicates hierarchical structure.
The widget class name is given first, followed by the widget instance name.

XConsole xconsole
XConsole text


DISPLAY to get the default host and display number.

to get the name of a resource file that overrides the global resources stored in
the RESOURCE_MANAGER property.

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