xcursorgen - Online in the Cloud

This is the command xcursorgen that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



xcursorgen - create an X cursor file from a collection of PNG images


xcursorgen [ -V ] [ --version ] [ -? ] [ --help ] [ -p dir ] [ --prefix dir ] [ config-
file [ output-file ] ]


Xcursorgen reads the config-file to find the list of cursor images along with their
hotspot and nominal size information. Xcursorgen converts all of the images to Xcursor
format and writes them to the output-file.

Each line in the config file is of the form:
<size> <xhot> <yhot> <filename> <ms-delay>

Multiple images with the same <size> are used to create animated cursors, the <ms-delay>
value on each line indicates how long each image should be displayed before switching to
the next. <ms-delay> can be elided for static cursors.

If config-file is not specified, or is specified as "-", standard input is used for the
configuration file. If output-file is not specified, or is specified as "-", standard
output is used for the output file.


-V, --version
Display the version number and exit.

-?, --help
Display the usage message and exit.

-p dir, --prefix dir
Find cursor images in the directory specified by dir. If not specified, the
current directory is used.

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