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xcutsel - interchange between cut buffer and selection


xcutsel [ -toolkitoption ...] [-selection selection] [-cutbuffer number]


The xcutsel program is used to copy the current selection into a cut buffer and to make a
selection that contains the current contents of the cut buffer. It acts as a bridge
between applications that don't support selections and those that do.

By default, xcutsel will use the selection named PRIMARY and the cut buffer CUT_BUFFER0.
Either or both of these can be overridden by command line arguments or by resources.

An xcutsel window has the following buttons:

When this button is pressed, xcutsel exits. Any selections held by xcutsel are
automatically released.

copy PRIMARY to 0
When this button is pressed, xcutsel copies the current selection into the cut

copy 0 to PRIMARY
When this button is pressed, xcutsel converts the current contents of the cut
buffer into the selection.

The button labels reflect the selection and cutbuffer selected by command line options or
through the resource database.

When the ``copy 0 to PRIMARY'' button is activated, the button will remain inverted as
long as xcutsel remains the owner of the selection. This serves to remind you which
client owns the current selection. Note that the value of the selection remains constant;
if the cutbuffer is changed, you must again activate the copy button to retrieve the new
value when desired.


Xcutsel accepts all of the standard X Toolkit command line options as well as the

-selection name
This option specifies the name of the selection to use. The default is PRIMARY.
The only supported abbreviations for this option are ``-select'', ``-sel'' and
``-s'', as the standard toolkit option ``-selectionTimeout'' has a similar name.

-cutbuffer number
This option specifies the cut buffer to use. The default is cut buffer 0.


This program accepts all of the standard X Toolkit resource names and classes as well as:

selection (class Selection)
This resource specifies the name of the selection to use. The default is PRIMARY.

cutBuffer (class CutBuffer)
This resource specifies the number of the cut buffer to use. The default is 0.


The following instance names may be used when user configuration of the labels in them is

sel-cut (class Command)
This is the ``copy SELECTION to BUFFER'' button.

cut-sel (class Command)
This is the ``copy BUFFER to SELECTION'' button.

quit (class Command)
This is the ``quit'' button.

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