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xdeb — build a set of Debian packages


xdeb [-C file] [-a architecture] [-b builddir] [-d destdir] [--apt-source] [--prefer-apt]
[--only-explicit] [-f] [--debug] [--generate-graph] [--generate-compact-graph]
[--no-clean-after] [--no-lintian] [--sequence] [--list-builds] [--all] [-x package]
[--no-native-import] package [...]
xdeb --convert [-C file] [-a architecture] [--no-convert-install] package.deb [...]


Traditionally, Debian-format packages (as used in Debian, Ubuntu, and so on) have been built
natively. However it is often useful to be able to cross-build packages, and sometimes
whole systems.

xdeb provides this functionality in a convenient form by providing build-ordering, cross-
dependency satisfaction, and cross-building all in one tool.

xdeb takes a set of target package names or names of directories containing packages, and
builds those packages for the specified architecture (or for the native architecture if
unspecified), in an appropriate sequence. As builds complete, it will install packages
necessary to satisfy build-dependencies for subsequent stages. When necessary, it will
convert foreign-architecture binary packages to packages that can be installed safely on the
native architecture without conflicts. When cross-compiling, it checks to ensure that
programs were not accidentally built to run on the build architecture, which is a common
failure mode.

xdeb fetches source code using apt-get(8). It defaults to using the build-system APT
configuration, so you should ensure that a repository containing packages of the target
architecture is specified on the relevant machine/chroot.

deb [arch=armel] http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports maverick main universe
deb-src http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports maverick main universe

Multiple repositories can be specified and APT pinning and release-default options used to
provide preferred source repositories. xdeb will respect APT policy.


-C, --config-file file
Read file as an additional configuration file.

-a, --architecture architecture
Build packages for architecture rather than for the native architecture.
Configuration file option: architecture.

-b, --build-directory builddir
Build packages in builddir rather than in the current directory. This option may be
given multiple times; in that case, the first builddir will be used for packages
fetched using apt-get and as the default destination directory, but otherwise all
supplied directories will be scanned for packages and treated equivalently.
Configuration file option: builddirs.

-d, --dest-directory destdir
Leave successfully built packages in destdir rather than in the first build directory.
Configuration file option: destdir.

Fetch source code using apt-get. If this is not specified, then only packages in any
builddir will be built, and only those packages will be used to expand dependencies
for build sequencing. Configuration file option: apt_source.

Prefer source packages available using apt-get, even if an older version of the
package is already available in the build directory. This option implies
--apt-source. Configuration file option: prefer_apt.

Only build packages explicitly listed on the command line. For all other packages,
import native builds rather than attempting to cross-compile them. This may produce
less complete builds in some cases, but if the native repository is reasonably
complete then it greatly reduces the number of builds that need to be run and it
avoids many problems with build-dependency loops.

-f, --force-rebuild
Rebuild packages even if the source code appears to be unchanged. xdeb relies on the
version number in debian/changelog to detect changes. Configuration file option:

Emit extra messages useful for debugging build sequencing. Configuration file option:

Emit dot graph version of debug build dependency information. See README-graph for
further details. Configuration file option: generate-graph.

Emit dot graph version of debug build dependency information, but without the
intermediate binary dependencies, in order to produce a more readable graph. See
README-graph for further details. Configuration file option: generate-compact-graph.

Use as many jobs as there are CPUs on the system. Configuration file option:

Do not clean each source tree after building.

Do not run lintian(1) to check whether cross-compiled packages were built for the
requested architecture. This can speed up builds when you are sure that all packages
are cross-safe, but is otherwise not recommended. Configuration file option: lintian
(defaults to true).

Just show the build sequence, but don't actually build anything. Only packages whose
names are suffixed with ‘*’ will be built; the rest are listed for information only.
Configuration file option: sequence.

List all current successful builds for the selected architecture in the build
directory. Configuration file option: list_builds.

Build all packages in the working tree. Configuration file option: all.

-x, --exclude package
Exclude package from the list of packages computed by --all. It will only be built if
required to satisfy dependencies. Configuration file option: exclude.

Normally, xdeb will import native builds of certain packages rather than attempting to
cross-build them. This option disables that behaviour. Use this when working on
fixing cross-builds of the packages in question.

Rather than building, convert a set of foreign-architecture binary packages to
packages that can be installed safely on the native architecture without conflicts, as
though they had just been built by xdeb. This silently ignores any packages that
cannot usefully be converted.

Normally, xdeb --convert will install packages after converting them for use on the
native architecture. This option suppresses that behaviour.

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