xfconf-query - Online in the Cloud

This is the command xfconf-query that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



xfconf-query - Command line utility for xfconf system


xfconf-query [OPTION...] - xfconf commandline utility

Help Options:
-h, --help
Show help options

Application Options:
-V, --version
Version information

-c, --channel
The channel to query/modify

-p, --property
The property to query/modify

-s, --set
The new value to set for the property

-l, --list
List properties (or channels if -c is not specified)

-v, --verbose
Verbose output

-n, --create
Create a new property if it does not already exist

-t, --type
Specify the property value type

-r, --reset
Reset property

-R, --recursive
Recursive (use with -r)

-a, --force-array
Force array even if only one element

-m, --monitor
Monitor a channel for property changes

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