xgamma - Online in the Cloud

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xgamma - Alter a monitor's gamma correction through the X server


xgamma [-display display] [-screen screen] [-quiet] [-version] [-gamma f.f | [[-rgamma
f.f] [-ggamma f.f] [-bgamma f.f]]]


xgamma allows X users to query and alter the gamma correction of a monitor via the X video
mode extension (XFree86-VidModeExtension).

Note that the xgamma utility is obsolete and deficient, xrandr should be used with drivers
that support the XRandr extension.

If no value for the gamma correction is given via the -gamma or -rgamma/-ggamma/-bgamma
options, xgamma prints the current gamma correction of the display.


-display display
This argument allows you to specify the server to connect to; see X(7).

-screen screen
When multiple displays are configured as a single logical display, this option
allows you to select the screen you wish to change.

-quiet Silence the normal output of xgamma

-help Print out the `Usage:' command syntax summary.

Print out the program version and exit.

-gamma f.f
The gamma correction can either be defined as a single value, or separately for
the red, green and blue components. This argument specifies the gamma correction
as a single value.

-rgamma f.f
This argument specifies the red component of the gamma correction.

-ggamma f.f
This argument specifies the green component of the gamma correction.

-bgamma f.f
This argument specifies the blue component of the gamma correction.


DISPLAY To get default host and display number.

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