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xrefresh - Online in the Cloud

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xrefresh - refresh all or part of an X screen


xrefresh [-option ...]


Xrefresh is a simple X program that causes all or part of your screen to be repainted.
This is useful when system messages have messed up your screen. Xrefresh maps a window on
top of the desired area of the screen and then immediately unmaps it, causing refresh
events to be sent to all applications. By default, a window with no background is used,
causing all applications to repaint ``smoothly.'' However, the various options can be
used to indicate that a solid background (of any color) or the root window background
should be used instead.


-white Use a white background. The screen just appears to flash quickly, and then

-black Use a black background (in effect, turning off all of the electron guns to the
tube). This can be somewhat disorienting as everything goes black for a moment.

-solid color
Use a solid background of the specified color. Try green.

-root Use the root window background.

-none This is the default. All of the windows simply repaint.

-geometry WxH+X+Y
Specifies the portion of the screen to be repainted; see X(7).

-display display
This argument allows you to specify the server and screen to refresh; see


The xrefresh program uses the routine XGetDefault(3) to read defaults, so its resource
names are all capitalized.

Black, White, Solid, None, Root
Determines what sort of window background to use.

Determines the area to refresh. Not very useful.


DISPLAY - To get default host and display number.

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