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yosys - Online in the Cloud

Run yosys in OnWorks free hosting provider over Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator

This is the command yosys that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



yosys - Yosys Open SYnthesis Suite


yosys [options] <infile>


This manual page documents briefly the yosys command.

yosys is a program that synthesizes RTL to gate-level logic.


A summary of options is included below.

-q quiet operation. only write error message to console

-v <level>
print log headers up to level <level> to the console. (implies -q)

-t annotate all log messages with a time stamp

-l logfile
write log messages to the specified file

-o outfile
write the design to the specified file on exit

-b backend
use this backend for the output file specified on the command line

-H print the command list

-h command
print the help message for the specified command

-s scriptfile
execute the commands in the script file

-c tcl_scriptfile
execute the commands in the tcl script file (see 'help tcl' for details)

-p command
execute the commands

-m module_file
load the specified module (aka plugin)

-V print version information and exit

-S The option -S is an alias for the following options that perform a simple
transformation of the input to a gate-level netlist.

-p hierarchy -p proc -p opt -p memory -p opt -p techmap -p opt

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