ytree - Online in the Cloud

This is the command ytree that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



ytree - File Manager -


ytree [archive file|directory]


If there is no command line argument, the current directory will be used.

Following commands are available:

1.) DIR-Modus:

Change direcory permissions (like chmod)

Delete selected directory

Set file specification (reg. expression) e.g. *.[ch] for all *.c and *.h - Files

-Group Change directory group ownership

-Log Restart ytree with new root directory/archiv file

Create new directory

-Owner Change user ownership of selected directory

Rename selected directory

Show all files in all directories

-Tag Tag all files in selected directory

-Untag Untag all files in selected directory

Execute a shell commando

Change viewmodus for files:
- filenames only
- name, attributes, links, size,
modification time, symb. link
- name, attribute, inode, owner, group, symb. link
- change status-, access time, symb. link

Switch to file modus

-^Quit QuitTo: If you exit ytree with ^Q, the last selected directory becomes your current
working directory. This feature only works if you start ytree with this bash-
function (copy this to your ~/.bashrc):

function yt
echo cd $PWD >~/.ytree-$$.chdir
/usr/bin/ytree $1 $2 $3 $4 $5
source ~/.ytree-$$.chdir
rm ~/.ytree-$$.chdir

2.) FILE-Modus

Change file permissions (like chmod)

Change permissions of all tagged files. ? stands for: do not change attribute

-Copy Copy file

-^K Copy
Copy all tagged files

Delete selected file

Delete all tagged files

-Edit Edit selected file with EDITOR (see ~/.ytree) or - if not defined - vi

Set file specification (reg. expression) e.g. *.[ch] for all *.c and *.h - Files

-Group Change group ownership of selected file

Change group ownership of all tagged files

-Hex View selected file with HEXDUMP (see ~/.ytree), or - if not defined - hd / od -h

-Log Restart ytree with new root directory/archive file

-Move move selected file

-^N Move
Move all tagged files

-Owner Change user ownership of selected file

Change user owndership of all tagged files

-Pipe Pipe content of file to a command

-^Pipe Pipe content of all tagged files to a command

Rename selected file

Rename all tagged files

-untag ^Search
Untag files by using an external program (e.g. grep)

-Sort Sort filelist by
- access time
- change time
- extension
- group
- modification time
- name
- owner
- size

-Tag Tag selected file

-^Tag Tag all currently shown files

-Untag Untag selected file

Untag all currently shown files

-View View file with the pager defined in ~/.ytree or - if not defined - with pg -cen

Execute a shell commando

Execute shell commando for all tagged files. The string {} is replaced by the
current filename

Copy selected file inclusive path

Copy all tagged files inclusive path

Switch view-modus for files:
- filenames only
- name, attribute, links, size, modification time,
symb. link
- name, attribute, inode, owner, group, symb. link
- changestatus-, access time, symb. link

-^L Refresh Screen

-Space Suppress screen-output while working

Switch to expand modus

3.) ARCHIV-DIR-Modus

Set file specification (reg. expression) e.g. *.[ch] for all *.c and *.h - Files

-Log Restart ytree with new root directory/archive file

Show all files in all directories

-Tag Tag all files in selected directory

-Untag Untag all files in selected directory

Execute a shell commando

Change viewmodus for files:
- filenames only
- name, attribute, links, size, modification time
- name, attribute, owner, group

-^L Refresh Screen

4.) ARCHIV-FILE-Modus:

-Copy Copy selected file

-^K Copy
Copy all tagged files

Set file specification (reg. expression) e.g. *.[ch] for all *.c and *.h - Files

-Hex View selected file with HEXDUMP (see ~/.ytree), or - if not defined - hd / od -h

-Pipe Pipe content of all tagged to a command

-Sort Sort file list by
- access time
- change time
- extension
- group
- modification time
- name
- owner
- size

-Tag Tag selected file

-^Tag Tag all files in selected directory

-Untag Untag all files in selected directory

-View View file with the pager defined in ~/.ytree or - if not defined - with pg -cen

Execute a shell commando

Switch view-modus for files:
- filenames only
- name, attribute, links, size

-^L Refresh Screen

Switch to Expand-Modus

ytree switches to archive-modus automatically either by choosing an archive file with the
Log commando or by calling ytree from the command line with an archive file given as a
command line argument.

ytree recognize the filename extensions ".F", ".Z", ".z" and ".gz" and calls the
appropriate uncompressor MELT (default=melt), UNCOMPRESS (default=uncompress) and GNUUNZIP
(default=gunzip -c). You may change these settings in ~/.ytree.

ytree supports following archive types and requires:

TAR-Files: gtar (tested with GNU-TAR 1.12)
ARC-Files: arc (tested with arc 5.12 02/05/86)
LHA-Files: xlharc (tested with xlharc V1.02 1989)
ZIP-Files: unzip (tested with unzip v5.0 08/92)
" " zipinfo (tested with zipinfo v1.0 08/92)
ZOO-Files: zoo (tested with zoo v2.10)
RAR-Files: unrar (tested with unrar v2.01
RPM-Files: rpm2cpio (tested with RedHat V6.1)
" " rpm (tested with RedHat V6.1)

Archive files will be recognized by filename extension (e.g zoo, zip). TAR-Files may have
following extensions:

".F", ".TFR", ".Faa", (freeze)
".Z", ".TZ", ".TZR", ".Xaa", (compress)
".z", ".gz", ".tzr", ".tz", ".xaa", ".tgz", ".TGZ",
".taz", ".TAZ", ".tpz" und ".TPZ" (gzip)

The View commando is customizeable in the [VIEWER] section of ~/.ytree:


.1,.2,.3,.4,.5,.6,.7,.8,.n=nroff -man | less
.mid,.MID=playmidi -e

A command-line history is supported: Use cursor up/down. Use "F2" on the command-line to
select directories.

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