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yubiserver-admin - Online in the Cloud

Run yubiserver-admin in OnWorks free hosting provider over Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator

This is the command yubiserver-admin that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



yubiserver-admin — Administration tool for the yubiserver Yubikey OTP and HOTP/OATH
validation server.


yubiserver-admin [[-b FILE]] [table] [options]


yubiserver-admin is a free tool provided for the administration of the simple and
lightweight OTP and HOTP/OATH validation server.


These programs follow the usual GNU command line syntax, with long options starting with
two dashes (`-'). A summary of options is included below.

-y --yubikey
Choose Yubikey Token table.

-o --oath
Choose OATH Token table.

-p --api
Choose API Key table.

-a N [P S [A]] --add N [P S [A]]
Add Yubikey/OATH token or API Key 'N' user where N is the username, P the Public
Token ID, S the Secret ID and A the AES Key. N must be 16 characters max,P must
be 12 characters for Yubikey and HOTP/OATH. S must be 12 characters for Yubikey
and 40 for OATH and AES key must be 32 characters. Adding a user to API keys
requires a username and a API Key 20 characters long.

-x --delete
Delete Yubikey/OATH token or API Key 'N' user.

-e --enable
Enable Yubikey/OATH token 'N' user.

-d --disable
Disable Yubikey/OATH token 'N' user.

-l --list
List Yubikey/OATH token or API Key

-d --database
Use this SQLite3 database file (optional).

-h --help
Show summary of options.

-V --version
Show version of program.


Adding a new user for Yubikey OTP authentication.

· yubiserver-admin -y -a nanakos ccicdcfehlvv c6963f285d78

· yubiserver-admin -b yubiserver.sqlite -y -a nanakos ccicdcfehlvv c6963f285d78

Adding a new user for Yubikey HOTP/OATH authentication.

· yubiserver-admin -o -a nanakos ccicdcfehlvv 7b02bee356c98c4c7488af9e54vve710de33e9f7

· yubiserver-admin -b yubiserver.sqlite -o -a nanakos ccicdcfehlvv

Adding a new API Key user. Needed for enabling your user to validate to the server

· yubiserver-admin -p -a nanakos `base64 --wrap=0 /dev/urandom | head -c 20`

· yubiserver-admin -b yubiserver.sqlite -p -a nanakos `base64 --wrap=0 /dev/urandom |
head -c 20`

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