yuvmedianfilter - Online in the Cloud

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yuvmedianfilter - A filter for yuv images produced by the mjpeg tools


yuvmedianfilter [-r num] [-R num] [-t num] [-T num] [-I num] [-f] [-w num] [-s num] [-v
num] [-h]


yuvmedianfilter is designed to enhance/filter images. It takes the input from STDIN and
writes output to STDOUT.
This filter looks around the current point for a radius and averages the values that fall
inside a threshold. So the image is softened and the edges become more sharp. If the
input material is noisy (it is always noisy but you do not always see it) the output
images are improved and the encoder spends less bandwidth encoding noise. The more
sophisticated version of image filtering is yuvdenoise. But you can use both programs in
the encoding procces. It cannot process a recorded file and write the improved version to
another file.


yuvmedianfilter accepts the following options:

-r num
Radius for luma median (default: 2 pixels)

-R num
Radius for chroma median (default: 2 pixels)

-t num
Trigger threshold for luma (default: 2 [0=disable])

-T num
Trigger threshold for chroma (default: 2 [0=disable])

-I num
Interlacing type (0=no, 1=yes, default: taken from yuv stream)

-f Fast mode, i.e. the threshold is ignored, and a simple mean of the surrounding values
is calculated.

-w num
In fast mode, the weight given to the current value versus the surrounding values.
Default is 8.
Note that certain combinations of radii and weights have been optimized to be even
faster -- radius 1 and weight 2.667, radius 1 and weight 8, and radius 2 and weight

-c num
In slow mode, more than this fraction of the pixels must be within the threshold;
otherwise the pixel is simply the weighted mean of pixels within a radius of 1.
Default is 0.33333.

-s num
Number of beginning frames to skip. The first num frames are written to stdout
unfiltered. This is useful for resuming an interrupted job without having to
duplicate work.

-v num
Verbosity level (0, 1 or 2)

-h Print out a help message

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