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z88dk - Online in the Cloud

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z88dk - The z88 Development Kit.


The z88 Development Kit (hereafter known as z88dk) is an advanced set of tools allowing
the production of complex programs for z80 based computers in either C or assembly
language. The name z88dk originates from the time when the project was founded and
targetted only the Cambridge z88 portable.

The compiler featured in z88dk is much enhanced Small C compiler, the compiler accepts
many features of ANSI C and is only deficient in a few areas where implementation on a z80
processor might prove inefficient. The compiler performs simple optimizations, but the
bulk of the optimization is done by a set of peep-hole rules, which will typically reduce
the size of a large project by up to a third.

The libraries supplied with z88dk are designed to be as generic as possible, indeed
it is possible to port to a new machine simply by supplying two library routines
and some startup code. It is hoped that one day z88dk will support as many z80
based machines as there is information available and sufficient interest in.

z88dk contains usable tools:

· zcc - the frontend of z88dk is called zcc, it is this that you should call if
you want to do any compilations.

· z80asm - Z80 assembler compiler

· copt - Z80 asm optimizer code

· appmake - produce files which are suitable for use in emulators or on the real

· sccz80 - Small-C/Plus compiler

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