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z88dk-z80asm - Online in the Cloud

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z88dk-z80asm - Z80 assembler compiler.


z88dk-z80asm [options] [ @<modulefile> | {<filename>} ]


This manual page documents briefly the z88dk tools. This manual page was written for the
Debian GNU/Linux distribution (but may be used by others), because the original program
does not have a manual page.

z88dk-z80asm is a Z80 assembler cross compiler.

Please refer to the z88dk documentation in /usr/share/doc/z88dk-doc/ for the complete
description of the system. If /usr/share/doc/z88dk-doc not exists, please install the
package z88dk-doc.


-h display help

-n defines option to be turned OFF (except -r -R -i -x -D -t -o)

-v verbose

-l listing file

-s symbol table,

-m map listing file

Explicit relocation <ORG> defined in hex (ignore ORG in first module)

-plus Interpret 'Invoke' as RST 28h

-R Generate relocatable code (Automatical relocation before execution)

define symbol as logically TRUE (used for conditional assembly)

-b assemble files & link to ORG address. -c split code in 16K banks

-d date stamp control, assemble only if source file > object file -a: -b & -d
(assemble only updated source files, then link & relocate)

-o<bin filename>
expl. output filename, -g XDEF reloc. addr. from all modules

include <library> LIB modules with .obj modules during linking

create library from specified modules ( e.g. with @<modules> )

-t<n> tabulator width for .map, .def, .sym files. Column width is 4 times -t

Default options: -nv -nd -nb -nl -s -m -ng -nc -nR -t8

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