zipcmp - Online in the Cloud

This is the command zipcmp that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



zipcmp - compare contents of zip archives


zipcmp [-hipqtVv] archive1 archive2


zipcmp compares the zip archives or directories archive1 and archive2 and checks if they
contain the same files, comparing their names, uncompressed sizes, and CRCs. File order
and compressed size differences are ignored.

Supported options:

-h Display a short help message and exit.

-i Compare names ignoring case distinctions.

-p Enable paranoid checks. Compares extra fields and other meta data. (Automatically
disabled if one of the archives is a directory.)

-q Quiet mode. Compare -v.

-t Test zip files by comparing the contents to their checksums.

-V Display version information and exit.

-v Verbose mode. Print details about differences to stdout. (This is the default.)


zipcmp exits 0 if the two archives contain the same files, 1 if they differ, and >1 if an
error occurred.

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