zita-resampler - Online in the Cloud

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zita-resampler - A simple resampler


zita-resampler <options> <input file> <output file>.


Zita-resampler is a simple resampling application written with the libzita-resampler

Input format is any file readable by libsndfile, output is either WAV (WAVEX for more than
2 channels) or CAF. Apart from resampling, users can change the sample format to 16-bit,
24-bit or float, and for 16-bit output, add dithering.

Available dithering types are rectangular, triangular and Lipschitz' optimised error
feedback filter.


--help Display this text.

--caf, --wav, --amb
Output file type.

--rate <sample rate>
Output sample rate.

--16bit, --24bit, --float
Output sample format.

--rec, --tri, --lips
Dither type (16 bit).

The default output file format is wav, 24-bit, no dithering. Integer output formats are
clipped, float output is not.

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