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cipux_cat_web_modulep - Online in the Cloud

Run cipux_cat_web_modulep in OnWorks free hosting provider over Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator

This is the command cipux_cat_web_modulep that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



Program to register, deregister and list a CAT modules.


(1) cipux_cat_web_module [OPTIONS] --register --object <NAME>| --all

(2) cipux_cat_web_module [OPTIONS] --deregister --object <NAME>| --all

(3) cipux_cat_web_module [OPTIONS] --list-registered

(4) cipux_cat_web_module [OPTIONS] --list-deregistered


Options for all commands:
-D | --debug : print debug messages for developers
-h | --help : print help (this message + options)
-l | --login ID : uses ID as UID to authenticate
-V | --version : print only version
--verbose : print more messages
-w | --password CRED : uses CRED as credential to authenticate

Additional options for registering and deregistering:
-a | --all : (de)register all pending objects

Additional options for registering:
-e | --enable : enable module(s)
-m | --add-member : add object (user or group) to ACL


(1) register

--add-member <NAME> : do add object to the ACL, so that this object
can access the modules. An object could be a
group or a user.

-e | --enable : do enable the module during registration; module is
disabled by default

-a | --all : register all modules
-o | --object <NAME> : or register only one module

(2) deregister

-a | --all : deregister all modules
-o | --object <NAME> : or deregister only one module

The URL of the CipUX XML-RPC server is taken from cipux-cat-web.ini file. The default
location for CipUX-CAT-Web. If you would like to use a different URL change
catweb_rpc_server in the base section.


-a Same as option --all

-add-member NAME
Adds NAME to the ACL of that module(s).

Register all CAT modules.

-D Same as option --debug.

To see more output, what the internals is doing, you can enable the --debug option and
see more message printed to STDOUT.

-e Same as option --enable.

Enable the object during registration.

-h Same as option --help

Prints brief help message.

-l UID
Same as option --login UID.

--login UID
Use UID as identity to authenticate against RPC server.

-o Same as option --object

This option is used to specify the object on which the command is operating. Make
sure you choose the right object. Of course this will also fail when the object is not
fetchable with (in the objects list of) --task.

--password SECRET
Use SECRET as credential to authenticate against RPC server.

-V Same as option --version.

Prints the version and exits.

Not implemented yet.

-v Same as option --verbose.

Same as option --password SECRET.

Use cipux_cat_web_modulep online using onworks.net services

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