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hcal - displays a Hebrew / Gregorian calendar


hcal [options] [coordinates [timezone]] [[mm] yyyy]

coordinates: -l [NS]yy[.yyy] -L [EW]xx[.xxx]
-l [NS]yy[:mm[:ss]] -L [EW]xx[:mm[:ss]]
timezone: -z nn[( .nn | :mm )]


hcal prints a calendar with both Gregorian and Hebrew dates for the specified Gregorian
month or, if no month is specified, for the whole Gregorian year. If no arguments are
given, it prints the current month's calendar. Jewish holidays are annotated, and can
optionally be footnoted. hcal tries to be sunset-aware in order to correctly highlight
the current Hebrew date, and can also display Shabbat times and parshiot. See the section
LOCATION, below.

INPUTTING A HEBREW DATE: If the year provided is greater than 3000, hcal will interpret
the given date as a Hebrew date, and will display the calendar of the corresponding
Gregorian month(s). Hebrew months are expected to be passed as numbers 1-12 for Tishrei -
Elul; Adar I and Adar II are expected to be passed as months 13 and 14.


-1 --one-month over-ride config file setting if you had set option --three-month as a
default there

-3 --three-month output previous/next months, side by side. requires 127 columns

-b --bidi output Hebrew information in Hebrew , in reverse
--visual sequence

--no-bidi over-ride config file setting if you had set
--no-visual option --bidi as a default there

-c --colorize output in calming, muted tones
--no-color over-ride config file setting

-d --diaspora use diaspora reading and holidays. Only relevant if hcal is using
location information indicating an Israeli timezone

-f --footnote output descriptive notes of holidays
--no-footnote over-ride config file setting

-h --html output in html format to stdout
--no-html over-ride config file setting

-H --hebrew output Hebrew information in Hebrew, in 'logical' sequence. If
this displays in reverse for you, use option -b

-I --israel override a diaspora default. Only relevant if hcal is using
location information indicating other than an Israeli timezone

-i use external css file "./hcal.css" for html output

--no-reverse do not highlight today's date

-p --parasha output week's parasha on each calendar row

-s --shabbat output Shabbat times and parshiot

-l --latitude [NS]yy[.yyy] decimal degrees, or [NS]yy[:mm[:ss]] degrees,
minutes, seconds. Negative values are South

-L --longitude [EW]xx[.xxx] decimal degrees, or [EW]xx[:mm[:ss]] degrees,
minutes, seconds. Negative values are West

-z --timezone +/-UTC. Notation may be in decimal hours ( hh[.hh] ) or hours,
minutes ( hh[:mm] )


Holidays are depicted by a change in the symbol separating a day's Gregorian and Hebrew
dates, as follows:

/ Regular day
+ Yom Tov (plus Yom Kippur)
* Erev Yom Kippur
~ Hol HaMoed
! Hanuka and Purim
@ Tzomot
$ Lag BaOmer ,Tu BeAv, Tu BeShvat
# Independance day and Yom Yerushalaim
% Tzahal and Holocaust memorial days
^ Other Israeli National days

Use the -f (--footnote) option to have hcal describe what any particular day is marking.

If you want hcal to display accurate Shabbat times, and to accurately advance the Hebrew
'today's date' indicator at sunset, hcal requires location and time zone information in
order to make astronomical calculations for a given date. If you don't provide ANY such
information, hcal uses your computer's local time zone information as an indicator, and
either picks a city in that time zone, or defaults to the equator at the center of that
time zone. If hcal can't even retrieve time zone information from your computer, it
defaults to Tel-Aviv. For other locations, use the -l -L option pair. For other timezones,
use the -z option. Co-ordinates and standard time zones for some common locations are
listed below.

The current defaults include:
Timezone Default city Lattitude Longitude
-5 New York City 40 -74
0 London 51 0
1 Paris 48 2
2 Tel-Aviv 32 34
3 Moscow 55 37

Useful locations and time zones
Jerusalem 31, 35, 2 Buenos Aires 34, -58, -3
Tel Aviv 32, 34, 2 Hong Kong 22, 114, 8
Haifa 32, 34, 2 Los Angeles 34, -118, -8
Beer Sheva 31, 34, 2 Sao Paolo 23, -46, -3
Ashdod 31, 34, 2 Toronto 43, -79 -5
Tiberias 32, 35, 2
Eilat 29, 34, 2

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