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osm2pgsql - Online in the Cloud

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osm2pgsql - Openstreetmap data to PostgreSQL converter.


osm2pgsql [options] planet.osm
osm2pgsql [options] planet.osm.{gz,bz2,pbf}
osm2pgsql [options] file1.osm file2.osm file3.osm


This manual page documents briefly the osm2pgsql command.

osm2pgsql imports data from OSM file(s) into a PostgreSQL database suitable for use by the
Mapnik renderer or the Nominatim geocoder.
OSM planet snapshots can be downloaded from http://planet.openstreetmap.org/. Partial
planet files ("extracts") for various countries are available, see

Extracts in PBF (ProtoBufBinary) format are also available from

When operating in "slim" mode (and on a database created in "slim" mode!), osm2pgsql can
also process OSM change files (osc files), thereby bringing an existing database up to


These programs follow the usual GNU command line syntax, with long options starting with
two dashes (`-'). A summary of options is included below.

Add the OSM file into the database without removing existing data.

Apply a bounding box filter on the imported data. Must be specified as:
minlon,minlat,maxlon,maxlat e.g. --bbox -0.5,51.25,0.5,51.75

Remove existing data from the database. This is the default if --append is not

-d|--database name
The name of the PostgreSQL database to connect to (default: gis).

-i|--tablespace-index tablespacename
Store all indices in a separate PostgreSQL tablespace named by this parameter.
This allows one to e.g. store the indices on faster storage like SSDs.

--tablespace-main-data tablespacename
Store the data tables (non slim) in the given tablespace.

--tablespace-main-index tablespacename
Store the indices of the main tables (non slim) in the given tablespace.

--tablespace-slim-data tablespacename
Store the slim mode tables in the given tablespace.

--tablespace-slim-index tablespacename
Store the indices of the slim mode tables in the given tablespace.

Store data in degrees of latitude & longitude.

Store data in proper spherical Mercator (the default).

-E|--proj num
Use projection EPSG:num

Repair bad UTF-8 input data (present in planet dumps prior to August 2007). Adds
about 10% overhead.

-p|--prefix prefix_string
Prefix for table names (default: planet_osm).

-r|--input-reader format
Select input format reader. Available choices are libxml2 (default) for OSM XML
format files, o5m for o5m formatted file and pbf for OSM PBF binary format (may not
be available on all platforms).

Store temporary data in the database. Without this mode, all temporary data is
stored in RAM and if you do not have enough the import will not work successfully.
With slim mode, you should be able to import the data even on a system with limited
RAM, although if you do not have enough RAM to cache at least all of the nodes, the
time to import the data will likely be greatly increased.

Drop the slim mode tables from the database once the import is complete. This can
greatly reduce the size of the database, as the slim mode tables typically are the
same size, if not slightly bigger than the main tables. It does not, however,
reduce the maximum spike of disk usage during import. It can furthermore increase
the import speed, as no indices need to be created for the slim mode tables, which
(depending on hardware) can nearly halve import time. Slim mode tables however have
to be persistent if you want to be able to update your database, as these tables
are needed for diff processing.

-S|--style /path/to/style
Location of the osm2pgsql style file. This specifies which tags from the data get
imported into database columns and which tags get dropped. Defaults to

-C|--cache num
Only for slim mode: Use up to num many MB of RAM for caching nodes. Giving
osm2pgsql sufficient cache to store all imported nodes typically greatly increases
the speed of the import. Each cached node requires 8 bytes of cache, plus about 10%
- 30% overhead. For a current OSM full planet import with its ~ 3 billion nodes, a
good value would be 27000 if you have enough RAM. If you don't have enough RAM, it
is likely beneficial to give osm2pgsql close to the full available amount of RAM.
Defaults to 800.

--cache-strategy strategy
There are a number of different modes in which osm2pgsql can organize its node
cache in RAM. These are optimized for different assumptions of the data and the
hardware resources available. Currently available strategies are dense, chunked,
sparse and optimized. dense assumes that the node id numbers are densely packed,
i.e. only a few IDs in the range are missing / deleted. For planet extracts this is
usually not the case, making the cache very inefficient and wasteful of RAM. sparse
assumes node IDs in the data are not densely packed, greatly increasing caching
efficiency in these cases. If node IDs are densely packed, like in the full
planet, this strategy has a higher overhead for indexing the cache. optimized uses
both dense and sparse strategies for different ranges of the ID space. On a block
by block basis it tries to determine if it is more effective to store the block of
IDs in sparse or dense mode. This is the default and should be typically used.

-U|--username name
Postgresql user name.

Force password prompt.

-H|--host hostname
Database server hostname or socket location.

-P|--port num
Database server port.

-e|--expire-tiles [min_zoom-]max-zoom
Create a tile expiry list.

-o|--expire-output /path/to/expire.list
Output file name for expired tiles list.

Specifies the output back-end or database schema to use. Currently osm2pgsql
supports pgsql, gazetteer and null. pgsql is the default output back-end / schema
and is optimized for rendering with Mapnik. gazetteer is a db schema optimized for
geocoding and is used by Nominatim. null does not write any output and is only
useful for testing.

Include attributes for each object in the database. This includes the username,
userid, timestamp and version. Note: this option also requires additional entries
in your style file.

Add tags without column to an additional hstore (key/value) column to PostgreSQL

Add all tags to an additional hstore (key/value) column in PostgreSQL tables.

-z|--hstore-column key_name
Add an additional hstore (key/value) column containing all tags that start with the
specified string, eg --hstore-column "name:" will produce an extra hstore column
that contains all name:xx tags

Only keep objects that have a value in one of the columns (normal action with
--hstore is to keep all objects).

Create indices for the hstore columns during import.

Normally osm2pgsql splits multi-part geometries into separate database rows per
part. A single OSM id can therefore have several rows. With this option,
PostgreSQL instead generates multi-geometry features in the PostgreSQL tables.

Keep coastline data rather than filtering it out. By default natural=coastline
tagged data will be discarded based on the assumption that post-processed Coastline
Checker shape files will be used.

OpenStreetMap data is defined in terms of nodes, ways and relations and not in
terms of actual geometric features. Osm2pgsql therefore tries to build postgis
geometries out of this data representation. However not all ways and relations
correspond to valid postgis geometries (e.g. self intersecting polygons). By
default osm2pgsql tries to automatically fix these geometries using ST_Buffer(0)
around the invalid polygons. With this option, invalid polygons are instead simply
dropped from the database.

Use postgresql's unlogged tables for storing data. This requires PostgreSQL 9.1 or
above. Data written to unlogged tables is not written to PostgreSQL's write-ahead
log, which makes them considerably faster than ordinary tables. However, they are
not crash-safe: an unlogged table is automatically truncated after a crash or
unclean shutdown.

--number-processes num
Specifies the number of parallel processes used for certain operations. If disks
are fast enough e.g. if you have an SSD, then this can greatly increase speed of
the "going over pending ways" and "going over pending relations" stages on a
multi-core server.

By default osm2pgsql initiates the index building on all tables in parallel to
increase performance. This can be disadvantages on slow disks, or if you don't have
enough RAM for PostgreSQL to perform up to 7 parallel index building processes
(e.g. because maintenance_work_mem is set high).

--flat-nodes /path/to/nodes.cache
The flat-nodes mode is a separate method to store slim mode node information on
disk. Instead of storing this information in the main PostgreSQL database, this
mode creates its own separate custom database to store the information. As this
custom database has application level knowledge about the data to store and is not
general purpose, it can store the data much more efficiently. Storing the node
information for the full planet requires about 100GB in PostgreSQL, the same data
is stored in only ~16GB using the flat-nodes mode. This can also increase the speed
of applying diff files. This option activates the flat-nodes mode and specifies the
location of the database file. It is a single large > 16GB file. This mode is only
recommended for full planet imports as it doesn't work well with small extracts.
The default is disabled.

Help information.
Add -v to display supported projections.

Verbose output.


Latlong (-l) SRS: 4326 (none)
Spherical Mercator (-m) SRS:900913 +proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0
+lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +no_defs +over
EPSG-defined (-E) SRS: +init=epsg:(as given in parameter)

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