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printcal - Online in the Cloud

Run printcal in OnWorks free hosting provider over Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator

This is the command printcal that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



Create - Create printer calibration.


Create printer calibration


printcal [-options] [prevcal] inoutfile

-v verbosity
Verbose mode

-p Plot graphs.

-i Initial calibration, set targets, create .cal

-r Re-calibrate against previous .cal and create new .cal

-e Verify against previous .cal

-I Create imitation target from .ti3 and null calibration

-d Go through the motions but don't write any files

-s smoothing
Extra curve smoothing (default 1.0)

-A manufacturer Set the manufacturer description string

-M model
Set the model description string

-D description
Set the profile Description string

-C copyright
Set the copyright string

-x# percent
Set initial maximum device % target (override auto)

-m# percent
Set initial dev target to % of auto maximum

-n# deltaE
Set initial white minimum deltaE target

-t# percent
Set initial 50% transfer curve percentage target

# = c, r, 0
First channel

m, g, 1
Second channel

y, b, 2
Third channel

k, 3 Fourth channel, etc.

-a Create an Adobe Photoshop .AMP file as well as a .cal

Base name of previous .cal file for recal or verify.

Base name of input .ti3 file, output .cal file

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