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Rascat - concatenate, convert raster files


rascat [ -help ] [ -ifmt format ] [ -ira algorithm ] [ -ofmt format ] [ -output file ] [
-resolution resolution ] [ -rgbscale scale-factor ] [ -scale scale-factor ] [ -verbose ] [
-Version ] [ -window nx ny x y ] [ -pal palette_file ] [ -|file... ]


rascat reads each file in sequence and copies its contents to the standard output
performing any format conversion and data massaging necessary as specified by the command
line options. By default, rascat determines the format of a file by looking at the file
name extension. If there are multiple files input into rascat with varying file formats
rascat will perform format conversion such that the resulting concatenated file will be in
the format of the first file processed.

Input files must all have the same spatial resolution and have the same depth; 8-bit and
24-bit files may not be intermixed. Furthermore, if an input file contains multiple images
each image in that file must have the same spatial resolution and be of the same depth.

Currently, only 8-bit-indexed and 24-bit-direct color encodings are supported.

See ras_formats(5NCARG) for a list of supported image formats.


-help Print a usage message and exit.

-ifmt format
Specify the input file format. format is one of the file name extensions discussed
in ras_formats(5NCARG) (without the ".", e.g. xwd). When this option is specified
file name extensions are not necessary and are ignored if present. All input files
must have the same format.

-ira algorithm
Specify the image resampling algorithm to be used when either the -scale or the
-resolution command line option is used. algorithm may be either NN, indicating a
"nearest neighbor" algorithm, or BL, indicating a "bilinear interplation"
algorithm. The default is to do "nearest neighbor" interpolation.

-ofmt format
Specify the output file format. format is one of the aforementioned file name
extensions. If used in conjunction with the -output option the output file name
requires no name extension and is ignored if present.

-output file
Specify an ouput file name and possibly an implicit output format. By default
rascat writes to the standard output. When this option is used output is written to
file. If the -ofmt option is not specified file must have a file name extension
recognized by rascat. In which case the file name extension will determine the
output format.

-resolution resolution
Resample the spatial resolution of input imagery to resolution, where resolution is
the number of pixels in the x direction, followed by an x, followed by the number
of pixels in the y direction, with no intervening spaces. For example, 512x512,
specifies a 512 by 512 pixel resolution.

Warning: Aspect ratios are not preserved by this option. If the resolution of your
input imagery has a different aspect ratio then that specified by resolution the
resultant image will be distorted.

-rgbscale scale-factor
Specify a floating point scaling factor, scale-factor, to be applied to all the
color intensities contained in the input files. This option may be fairly
computationally expensive with 24-bit-direct encoded imagery.

-scale scale-factor
Specify a uniform, floating-point scaling factor to be applied to the spatial
resolution of the input files. Unlike the -resolution option this option guarantees
to preserve the aspect ratio of your imagery. For example, setting scale-factor to
0.5 causes your imagery to be resampled to one fourth of its original spatial
resolution. If its original resolution was 1024x1024 the resultant resolution would
be 512x512.

Tells rascat to operate in verbose mode.

Print rascat's version number and then exit.

-window nx ny x y
Specify a subregion of the input imagery to be extracted. The area outside the
rectangular subregion defined by nx, ny, x and y is discarded. x and y specify the
position of the upper-left corner of the rectangle. nx and ny specify the
rectangle's width and height, respectively.

-pal palette_file
Set the palette for the output rasterfile from palettefile, which can be either an
HDF-type palette with an extension of ".pal", or a textual palette with an
extension of ".txt". See ras_palette(5NCARG) for documentation on the formats. This
option applies to indexed-color imagery only.


If set, this environment variable contains a directory path to be used for
temporary files. On most systems the default is /tmp. On some systems the default
is /usr/tmp.


In the following example a NRIF file, a Sun raster image file, and a XWD file are
concatenated and converted into a single NRIF file:

% rascat file1.nrif file2.sun file3.xwd > file123.nrif

In this example the same files are converted and concatenated into a sun file:

% rascat -ofmt sun file1.nrif file2.sun file3.xwd > file123.sun

The -ofmt option is necessary in this example because the first file rascat encounters is
an NRIF file.

Finally, in this example the upper left 512 by 512 rectangle of the file foo.sun is
extracted and written to the file foo.512x512.sun:

% rascat -window 512 512 0 0 foo.sun > foo.512x512.sun

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