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Welcome2L - Online in the Cloud

Run Welcome2L in OnWorks free hosting provider over Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator

This is the command Welcome2L that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



Welcome2L - Linux ANSI boot logo.


Welcome2L [ -scr ] [ -getty ] [ -gettps] [ -msg ] [ -cpu ] [ -scrrand ] [ -xmas ] [
-xmasauto ] [ -lcol ] [ -nolf ] [ -private ] [-notime ]


Welcome2L is a little program that may run at login time to produce a BBS like ANSI login
logo. It's very similar to Linux_Logo. But where Linux_Logo intends to be portable,
Welcome2L intends to produce the best looking ANSI screens by making full usage of PC
graphic characters. Therefore an architecture able to display those characters (i386,
Alpha with TGA adapter, ... ) is required to use it. And, even if it will work on larger
screens, it will only produce 80 column ANSI screens.


-getty Will display more accurate information when launched at boot time.

-gettps Like -getty, but works with gettyps(8) program.

-nolf Will not add an empty line to the ansi screen produced.

-msg -msg"text of message" will show the message given as the distribution info.

-cpu -cpu"name" will show the name given as the CPU name.

-scrxx Will display screen number xx.

Will display a random screen.

-xmas Will display an Xmas screen.

Will automatically display an Xmas screen in December and January.

-lcolxx Will change the prompt color to the color number xx. Type Welcome2L -help to see
what number is attributed to a color.

Display an "Unauthorized access is prohibited" line at the bottom of the ANSI

-notime When dispalying date information, do not display time.

Turn blinking off. Useful with -xmas or -xmasauto on framebuffer devices, which do
not support blinking.

-help Will display usage information.


/usr/bin/Welcome2L -getty -msg"Debian GNU/Linux" -lcol14


Welcome2L is not intended to run in a xterm.


Because "A 'welcome' page has been proven to be an invitation to come your system, thus
making it legal to hack into your box." you may want to use the "-private" arg when
running Welcome2L to display an "Unauthorized access is prohibited" line at the bottom of
the ANSI screen.


Welcome2L Copyright (C)1998-1999 Little Igloo Org is freely distributable under the GNU
Public License, a copy of which you should have received with this software (in a file
called COPYING).


You can get the last Welcome2L version, sources, binaries distribution or RedHat Packages,
at : http://www.LittleIgloo.org

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