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Run vinagre in OnWorks free hosting provider over Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator

This is the command vinagre that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



vinagre - a remote desktop viewer for the GNOME Desktop


vinagre [OPTIONS] [server][::port|:display]


vinagre is a remote desktop viewer for the GNOME desktop. It can support many protocols
using a plugin system. Current plugins exist for VNC and SSH. Vinagre has many features,
among others:.

- Support for multiple connections simultaneously

- Bookmarks and history support

- Avahi integration

- GNOME keyring integration

- You can connect to a VNC server by double clicking on a .vnc file when using nautilus.


Help Options:
-?, --help
Show help options

Application Options:
-F, --file=filename
Opens a .vnc file

-f, --fullscreen
Open Vinagre in fullscreen mode

Specify geometry of the Vinagre window in X11 format

-n, --new-window
Create a new toplevel window in an existing instance of Vinagre

X display to use

Run 'vinagre --help' to see a full list of available command line options


The following operands are supported:

Specifies the VNC server to connect to. The VNC server can be either a hostname, or
an IP address. If the server is an IPv6 address, it must be enclosed by square
brackets. The address can optionally be followed by two colons (::) and the VNC
port number, or alternatively by one colon (:) and the display where Vinagre should
run. If a port is not specified, default value of 5900 will be used. If the value
is lower than 1024, 5900 will be added to it. For example, ":0" means "5900" and
":1" means ":5901". If only a port is specified, but not the hostname, localhost
will be assumed. Possible values for the display are between 0 and 1024. If a
display number greater than 1024 is specified, it will be assumed to be a port.
Note that you can't specify the port and the display at the same time.


Example 1: Start vinagre from the command line

example% vinagre

Example 2: Create a new top-level window

example% vinagre --new-window

Example 3: Connect to a specified VNC server and port

example% vinagre snoopy::5900

Example 4: Connect to a specified IPv4 address and port

example% vinagre

Example 5: Connect to a specified IPv6 address and port

example% vinagre [2001:0db8:0:0:0:0:1428:57ab]::2700

Example 6: Connect to a VNC server specified by a .vnc file

example% vinagre -F snoopy.vnc

Example 7: Connect to localhost on a specified port in fullscreen mode

example% vinagre -f ::5900

Use vinagre online using onworks.net services
