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amsshell - Online in the Cloud

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amsshell - Asynchronous Message Service (AMS) test message sender (UNIX)


amsshell unit_name role_name application_name authority_name [{ p | s | q | a }]


amsshell is a message issuance program designed to test AMS functionality.

When amsshell is started, it registers as an application module in the unit identified by
unit_name of the venture identified by application_name and authority_name; the role in
which it registers must be indicated in role_name. A configuration server for the local
continuum and a registrar for the indicated unit of the indicated venture (which may both
be instantiated in a single amsd daemon task) must be running in order for amsshell to

amsshell runs as two threads: a background thread that receives watches for AMS
configuration events (including shutdown), together with a foreground thread that acquires
operating parameters and message content in lines of console input to control the issuance
of messages.

The first character of each line of input from stdin to the amsshell indicates the
significance of that line:

= Sets the name of the subject on which all messages are to be issued, until superseded
by another "=" line. The subject name must begin at the second character of this
line. Optionally, subject name may be followed by a single ' ' (space) character and
then the text of the first message to be issued on this subject, which is to be issued

r Sets the number of the role constraining the domain of message issuance. The role
number must begin at the second character of this line.

c Sets the number of the continuum constraining the domain of message issuance. The
continuum number must begin at the second character of this line.

u Sets the number of the unit constraining the domain of message issuance. The unit
number must begin at the second character of this line.

m Sets the number of the module to which subsequent messages are to be issued. The
module number must begin at the second character of this line.

. Terminates amsshell.

When the first character of a line of input from stdin is none of the above, the entire
line is taken to be the text of a message that is to be issued immediately, on the
previously specified subject, to the previously specified module (if applicable), and
subject to the previously specified domain (if applicable).

By default, amsshell runs in "publish" mode: when a message is to be issued, it is simply
published. This behavior can be overridden by providing a fifth command-line argument to
amsshell - a "mode" indicator. The supported modes are as follows:

p This is "publish" mode. Every message is published.

s This is "send" mode. Every message is sent privately to the application module
identified by the specified module, unit, and continuum numbers.

q This is "query" mode. Every message is sent privately to the application module
identified by the specified module, unit, and continuum numbers, and amsshell then
waits for a reply message before continuing.

a This is "announce" mode. Every message is announced to all modules in the domain
established by the previously specified role, unit, and continuum numbers.


-1 amsshell terminated with an error as noted in the ion.log file.

"0" amsshell terminated normally.

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