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g2root - convert GEANT geomtry files to ROOT files


g2rootd [-f map_name] geant_name macro_name


You can convert a GEANT (see http://wwwinfo.cern.ch/asd/geant/index.html fore more on
GEANT) geometry to ROOT geometry with the following steps

1 Run the interactive version of GEANT and produce a Zebra RZ file detector.geom, by
typing the command:

Geant > rz/file 21 detector.geom on

2 Run the g2root program to convert the Zebra RZ file into a ROOT macro detector.C:

g2root detector.geom detector.C

3 Run the following ROOT session;

root [1] .x detector.C
root [2] detector.Draw()
root [3] c1.x3d() // (this invokes the 3-d Root viewver)
root [4] TFile f("detector.root","NEW") //open a new root file
root [5] detector.Write() //Write the geometry structure
root [6] f.Write()

Note that the TNode structure currently in ROOT was not designed as a replacement for a
true geometry package. The idea was mainly to draw simple geometries in event display
programs. We are currently investigating several alternatives for a true & efficient
geometry package supporting;

- a disk data base with storage of multiple geometry versions

- an interactive editor and viewer

- with 3-d views

- but also 2-d cut views

- with interfaces to existing or future MC such as GEANT3 or GEANT4

A second program called gh2root (see http://root.cern.ch/root/gh2root.html) generates
automatically C++ code corresponding to the GEANT3 Zebra structures JSET, JVERTX, JKINE,

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