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nfctool - a NFC toolbox


nfctool [OPTIONS...]


The nfctool application performs various operations on NFC devices, such as:

· list connected devices

· put device in polling mode

· get and set parameters for the local LLC

· send service name lookup request to the remote LLC.

· dump LLCP link traffic


-h, --help
Print nfctool's available options and exit.

-v, --version
Print nfctool's version and exit.

-l, --list
List attached NFC devices. It also prints information such as remote tags or devices,
supported protocols, RF mode, and LLC link parameters.

-d, --device=NFCDEV
Specify a nfc device (i.e. nfc0). This is mandatory for all operations except -l.

-p, --poll[=MODE]
Start poll on the device specified with -d. MODE must be one of Initiator, Target, or
Both and it defaults to Initiator when unspecified. Passing MODE as i, t, or b for
respectively Initiator, Target, or Both is also accepted.

-s, --set-param=PARAM=VAL[,PARAM=VAL[,...]]
Set LLC link parameters. PARAM must be at least one of:

lto=0..255 - Link TimeOut
Specify the maximum time interval between the last received LLC PDU from the
remote to the local LLC and the first subsequent LLC PDU transmission from the
local to the remote LLC. The value is expressed in multiples of 10 milliseconds
and is encoded as a 8-bit unsigned integer.

The LTO parameter must be set before the LLC Link is established.

rw=0..15 - Receive Window size
Specify the maximum number of I PDUs the local LLC will accept before
acknowledging them. A RW size of zero indicates that the local LLC will not accept
I PDUs on that data link connection. A RW size of one indicates that the local LLC
will acknowledge every I PDU before accepting additional I PDUs. It is encoded as
a 4-bit unsigned integer.

The RW parameter can be set after the LLC Link is established. The new value will
apply for subsequent connections.

miux=0..2047 - Maximum Information Unit Extension
Specify the number of octets by which a LLC PDU information field may exceed the
default maximum size of 128 octets. In other words, MIU = MIUX + 128. It is
encoded as an 11-bit unsigned integer.

The MIUX parameter can be set after the LLC Link is established. The new value
will apply for subsequent connections.

-k, --snl=URN
Send a Service Name Lookup request for URN (i.e. urn:nfc:sn:snep) to the remote LLC.
Obviously, the LLC link must be up before the request is sent.

The remote should reply by returning the service access point (SAP) number or zero if
it doesn't support the requested service.

Note: If used with -p, nfctool will wait for the LLC link to be up before sending the
SNL request.

-n, --sniff
Start LLCP sniffing on the device specified with -d option.

The folowing options only apply with -n.

-a, --snapshot-len=SNAPLEN
Capture SNAPLEN bytes from each packet. Default snapshot length is 1024 bytes.

-y, --dump-symm
Dump SYMM packets to stdout. this will generate a LOT of output.

Note: The -y option concerns console output only. SYMM packets are always
dumped to the pcap file when specified by -f (See below).

-t, --show-timestamp[=MODE]
Show packet timestamps. Setting MODE as delta means the time since the first
captured frame. absolute means elapsed time since the Epoch, 1970-01-01
00:00:00 +0000 (UTC). MODE defaults to delta when unspecified.

-f, --pcap-file=FILENAME
Specify a filename to save dumped traffic in pcap format. The generated file
can be opened with Wireshark (http://www.wireshark.org/) using the wireshark-
nfc plug-in available at http://code.google.com/p/wireshark-nfc/

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