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vhier - Return all files in a verilog hierarchy using Verilog::Netlist


vhier --help
vhier [verilog_options] [-o filename] [verilog_files.v...]


Vhier reads the Verilog files passed on the command line and outputs a tree of all of the
filenames, modules, and cells referenced by that file.


The following arguments are compatible with GCC, VCS and most Verilog programs.

+define+var+value =item -Dvar=value
Defines the given preprocessor symbol.

-F file
Read the specified file, and act as if all text inside it was specified as command
line parameters. Any relative paths are relative to the directory containing the
specified file.

-f file
Read the specified file, and act as if all text inside it was specified as command
line parameters. Any relative paths are relative to the current directory.

+incdir+dir =item -Idir
Add the directory to the list of directories that should be searched for include
directories or libraries.

Specify the extensions that should be used for finding modules. If for example module
x is referenced, look in x.ext.

-sv Specifies SystemVerilog language features should be enabled; equivalent to "--language
1800-2012". This option is selected by default, it exists for compatibility with
other simulators.

-y dir
Add the directory to the list of directories that should be searched for include
directories or libraries.


Displays this message and program version and exits.

--o file
Use the given filename for output instead of stdout.

Show the module name of all cells in top-down order.

Show "ASCII-art" hierarchy tree of all cells (like ps --forest)

Show all input filenames. Copying all of these files should result in only those
files needed to represent the entire design.

With --cells or --forest, show module instance names.

--language <1364-1995|1364-2001|1364-2005|1800-2005|1800-2009|1800-2012>
Set the language standard for the files. This determines which tokens are signals
versus keywords, such as the ever-common "do" (data-out signal, versus a do-while loop

Show resolved filenames passed on the command line. This will convert raw module and
filenames without paths to include the library search path directory. Output
filenames will be in the same order as passed on the command line. Unlike
--input-files or --module-files, hierarchy is not traversed.

Show all module filenames in top-down order. Child modules will always appear as low
as possible, so that reversing the list will allow bottom-up processing of modules.
Unlike input-files, header files are not included.

Show all module names.

Do not complain about references to missing modules.

With --nomissing, show all modules that are not found.

Define SYNTHESIS, and ignore text bewteen "ambit", "pragma", "synopsys" or "synthesis"
translate_off and translate_on meta comments. Note using metacomments is discouraged
as they have led to silicon bugs (versus ifdef SYNTHESIS); see

--top-module module
Start the report at the specified module name, ignoring all modules that are not the
one specified with --top-module or below, and report an error if the --top-module
specified does not exist. Without this option vhier will report all modules, starting
at the module(s) that have no children below them.

Note this option will not change the result of the --input-files list, as the files
needed to parse any design are independent of which modules are used.

Displays program version and exits.

Create output in XML format.


Verilog-Perl is part of the <http://www.veripool.org/> free Verilog EDA software tool
suite. The latest version is available from CPAN and from

Copyright 2005-2016 by Wilson Snyder. This package is free software; you can redistribute
it and/or modify it under the terms of either the GNU Lesser General Public License
Version 3 or the Perl Artistic License Version 2.0.


Wilson Snyder <[email protected]>

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