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bup-on - Online in the Cloud

Run bup-on in OnWorks free hosting provider over Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator

This is the command bup-on that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



bup-on - run a bup server locally and client remotely


bup on <hostname> index ...

bup on <hostname> save ...

bup on <hostname> split ...


bup on runs the given bup command on the given host using ssh. It runs a bup server on
the local machine, so that commands like bup save on the remote machine can back up to the
local machine. (You don't need to provide a --remote option to bup save in order for this
to work.)

See bup-index(1), bup-save(1), and so on for details of how each subcommand works.

This 'reverse mode' operation is useful when the machine being backed up isn't supposed to
be able to ssh into the backup server. For example, your backup server can be hidden
behind a one-way firewall on a private or dynamic IP address; using an ssh key, it can be
authorized to ssh into each of your important machines. After connecting to each
destination machine, it initiates a backup, receiving the resulting data and storing in
its local repository.

For example, if you run several virtual private Linux machines on a remote hosting
provider, you could back them up to a local (much less expensive) computer in your


# First index the files on the remote server

$ bup on myserver index -vux /etc
bup server: reading from stdin.
Indexing: 2465, done.
bup: merging indexes (186668/186668), done.
bup server: done

# Now save the files from the remote server to the
# local $BUP_DIR

$ bup on myserver save -n myserver-backup /etc
bup server: reading from stdin.
bup server: command: 'list-indexes'
PackIdxList: using 7 indexes.
Saving: 100.00% (241/241k, 648/648 files), done.
bup server: received 55 objects.
Indexing objects: 100% (55/55), done.
bup server: command: 'quit'
bup server: done

# Now we can look at the resulting repo on the local
# machine

$ bup ftp 'cat /myserver-backup/latest/etc/passwd'

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