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deborphan - Orphaned package finder


deborphan [OPTION]... [PACKAGE]...


deborphan finds packages that have no packages depending on them. The default operation is
to search only within the libs and oldlibs sections to hunt down unused libraries.

If it is invoked with an optional list of packages, only the dependencies on those
packages will be checked. The results are printed to stdout as if the option --show-deps
had been given. Searching for specific packages will show the package, regardless of its
priority. It is possible to specify -, to read a list of packages from standard input.


-f, --status-file=FILE
Use FILE as the status file.

-h, --help
Display a short help message and exit.

-v, --version
Display version information and exit.

-d, --show-deps
Show a list of all installed packages and name the packages that depend on them.

-P, --show-priority
Show the priority of the packages found.

-s, --show-section
Show the sections the packages are in.

Override showing sections when the default is to show them (see --all-packages).

-z, --show-size
Show the installed size of the packages found.

-a, --all-packages
Check all the packages, instead of only those in the libs section. Best used (if at
all used) in combination with --priority. This option implies --show-section.

-e, --exclude=LIST
Excludes the packages named in LIST (a comma separated list) from the evaluation as
if they didn't exist in the status file.

-H, --force-hold
Ignore "hold" dpkg-flags on packages and thus display these packages. Without this
option packages with the "hold" flag set will not be displayed. Please refer to
dpkg(1) for more information about package flags. Due a bug in aptitude (Debian bug
#137771) hold flags created by aptitude are ignored by deborphan.

Do not check if there is a package `suggesting' (--ignore-suggests) or
`recommending' (--ignore-recommends) the package. When both options are used
together, deborphan behaves as if the `nice-mode' mentioned below has been turned

-n, --nice-mode
Turn off nice-mode. Nice-mode checks if there is a package `suggesting' or
`recommending' the package. If one is found, the package will be marked as in use,
or, when --show-deps is used, print out the package suggesting the package as if it
were depending on it.

-p, --priority=PRIORITY
Show only those packages with a priority equal to, or greater than PRIORITY.
PRIORITY may be in the range of 1-5, or one of required, important, standard,
optional, extra. Default value for PRIORITY is 2 (important).

This option searches for uninstalled packages which still have configuration files
on the system. It implies the -a option.

Search in section libdevel in addition to libs and oldlibs.

-A, --add-keep PKG1...PKGn
Add packages to the list of packages which are never to be reported, regardless of
their state. You may specify '-' to use standard input. Note that package names are

-k, --keep-file=FILE
Use FILE to store the list of kept-back packages.

-L, --list-keep
Show the list of packages that are being kept back.

-R, --del-keep PKG1...PKGn
Remove packages from the list of packages which are never to be reported. You may
specify '-' to use standard input. If there are no dependencies for this package
next time deborphan is invoked, it will be reported again.

-Z, --zero-keep
Purge the entire list of packages that are being kept back. The only option
possible in combination with this option is -A.

deborphan can try to guess what packages may not be of much use to you by examining
the package's name and/or description. It will pretend the package is in the
main/libs section, and report it as if it were a library. This method is in no way
perfect or even reliable, so beware when using this! It is also possible to tell
deborphan e.g. to guess all interpreters but not Perl by using --guess-interpreters
--no-guess-perl or to guess all but not Mono by using --guess-all --no-guess-mono.
Please note that the --no-guess- option must occur after the --guess- option it
modifies, this makes it possible to declare more complex things like to guess all,
except interpreters but additionally try to guess perl.

The following options are to be prefixed by --guess- or (except only) by --no-guess-:

common This option tries to find common packages, i.e. packages with names ending in

data This option tries to find data packages, i.e. packages with names ending in -data.

debug This option tries to find debugging libraries, i.e. packages with names ending in

dev This option tries to find development packages, i.e. packages with names ending in
-dev. Also see option --libdevel.

doc This option tries to find documentation packages, i.e. packages with names ending
in -doc.

dummy This option tries to find dummy packages, i.e. packages with dummy or transitional
in their short description.

kernel This option tries to find kernel-modules. It tries to match (-modules|^nvidia-

Try to find all interpreter modules (i.e. imply ruby, pike, python, perl and mono).

mono This option tries to find mono libraries. It tries to match ^libmono.

perl This option tries to find perl modules. It tries to match ^lib.*-perl$.

pike This option tries to find pike modules. It tries to match ^pike[[:digit:]]*-.

python This option tries to find python modules. It tries to match ^python[[:digit:]]*-.

ruby This option tries to find ruby modules. It tries to match

This option tries to find libraries that were accidentally placed in the wrong
section. It tries to match ^lib, but not if it ends in one of: -dbg, -doc, -perl,
or -dev.

all Try all of the above.

only Ignore the package's section completely, and just go for the name and/or
description. This option must be used in conjunction with one or more of the
--guess options listed above, or deborphan will not display anything.

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