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erubis - Online in the Cloud

Run erubis in OnWorks free hosting provider over Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator

This is the command erubis that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



erubis - eRuby style template engine for multiple languages


erubis [..options..] [file ...]


Embedded templating engine for multiple languages. Erubis will take a template file as
input and output code to convey that data in the language specified. The following output
languages are supported:

* Ruby
* C
* Java
* Scheme
* Perl
* JavaScript


-h, --help

-v version

-x show converted code

-X show converted code, only ruby code and no text part

-N numbering: add line numbers (for '-x/-X')

-U unique: compress empty lines to a line (for '-x/-X')

-C compact: remove empty lines (for '-x/-X')

-b body only: no preamble nor postamble (for '-x/-X')

-z syntax checking

-e escape (equal to '--E Escape')

-p pattern
embedded pattern (default '<% %>')

-l lang
convert but no execute (ruby/php/c/java/scheme/perl/js)

-E e1,e2,...
enhancer names (Escape, PercentLine, BiPattern, ...)

-I path
library include path

-K kanji
kanji code (euc/sjis/utf8) (default none)

-c context
context data string (yaml inline style or ruby code)

-f datafile
context data file ('*.yaml', '*.yml', or '*.rb')

-T don't expand tab characters in YAML file

-S convert mapping key from string to symbol in YAML file

-B invoke 'result(binding)' instead of 'evaluate(context)'

parse '<?name ... ?>' instead of '<% ... %>'

supported properties:
* (common)

: escape function name

--pattern="<% %>"
: embed pattern

: trim spaces around <% ... %>

: preamble (no preamble when false)

: postamble (no postamble when false)

: escape expression or not in default

* (basic) * (pi)

: PI (Processing Instrunctions) name

: char for embedded expression pattern('@{...}@')

* ruby * php * c

: indent spaces (ex. ' ')

: output file pointer name

* java

: indent spaces (ex. ' ')

: output buffer name

--bufclass="StringBuffer" : output buffer class (ex. 'StringBuilder')

* scheme

: function name (ex. 'display')

* perl

: function name

* javascript

: use 'document.write()' when true


Run 'erubis -l php example.ephp' to convert the embedded document to php code.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<p>Hello <%= $user %>!</p>
<% $i = 0; %>
<% foreach ($list as $item) { %>
<% $i++; %>
<tr bgcolor="<%= $i % 2 == 0 ? '#FFCCCC' : '#CCCCFF' %>">
<td><%= $i %></td>
<td><%== $item %></td>
<% } %>

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