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fastatool - Online in the Cloud

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fastatool - Provides a set of tools useful when working with FASTA files.


This program is part of the MIRA assembler package. Fastatool provides a set of tools
useful when working with FASTA trace files.

Please check out the documentation below for more detailed information.


fastatool <toolname> <tool parameters>


clip Clips bases on the left and right of a FASTA sequence, writes result to STDOUT.


clipFASTA -l leftclip -r rightclip fastainfile

Deletes sequences with non-IUPAC bases or empty sequences from a FASTA file, writes
the 'surviving' sequences to a new file. If a quality file is given, a cleaned
version of that is also written. The sequences in the quality files (if given)
MUST be in the same order than in the fasta file.


sanitizeFASTA fastainfile fastaoutfile [fastaqualin fastaqualoutfile]

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