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qhandjoob - Online in the Cloud

Run qhandjoob in OnWorks free hosting provider over Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator

This is the command qhandjoob that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



qhandjoob - search for job


qhandjoob [-h] [-dqv] [-b backends] ...
qhandjoob [--help] [--version]


Qt application to search for job.

Supported websites:
* adecco (adecco website)
* apec (apec website)
* cci (cci website)
* indeed (indeed website)
* lolix (Lolix French free software employment website)
* monster (monster website)
* popolemploi (Pole Emploi website)
* regionsjob (regionsjob website)


show program's version number and exit

-h, --help
show this help message and exit

-b BACKENDS, --backends=BACKENDS
what backend(s) to enable (comma separated)

what backend(s) to exclude (comma separated)

-I, --insecure
do not validate SSL


-d, --debug
display debug messages. Set up it twice to more verbosity

-q, --quiet
display only error messages

-v, --verbose
display info messages

file to save logs

-a, --save-responses
save every response


The -c and --condition is a flexible way to filter and get only interesting results. It
supports conditions on numerical values, dates, and strings. Dates are given in YYYY-MM-DD
or YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM format. The syntax of one expression is "field operator value". The
field to test is always the left member of the expression.

The field is a member of the objects returned by the command. For example, a bank account
has "balance", "coming" or "label" fields.

The following operators are supported:
= Test if object.field is equal to the value.

!= Test if object.field is not equal to the value.

> Test if object.field is greater than the value. If object.field is date, return
true if value is before that object.field.

< Test if object.field is less than the value. If object.field is date, return true
if value is after that object.field.

| This operator is available only for string fields. It works like the Unix standard
grep command, and returns True if the pattern specified in the value is in

Expression combination
You can make a expression combinations with the keywords " AND ", " OR " an " LIMIT ".

The LIMIT keyword can be used to limit the number of items upon which running the
expression. LIMIT can only be placed at the end of the expression followed by the number
of elements you want.

boobank ls --condition 'label=Livret A'
Display only the "Livret A" account.

boobank ls --condition 'balance>10000'
Display accounts with a lot of money.

boobank history account@backend --condition 'label|rewe'
Get transactions containing "rewe".

boobank history account@backend --condition 'date>2013-12-01 AND date<2013-12-09'
Get transactions betweens the 2th December and 8th December 2013.

boobank history account@backend --condition 'date>2013-12-01 LIMIT 10'
Get transactions after the 2th December in the last 10 transactions


Copyright(C) 2013 Sébastien Monel

For full copyright information see the COPYING file in the weboob package.

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