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pius - PGP Individual UID Signer


pius [options] -s <signer-keyid> <keyid> [<keyid>...]
pius [options] -A -r <keyring-path> -s <signer-keyid>


pius The PGP Individual UID Signer (PIUS) is a tool for individually signing all of the
UIDs on a set of keys and encrypt-emailing each one to its respective email address. This
drastically reduces the time and errors involved in signing keys after a keysigning party.


show program's version number and exit

-h or --help
show this help message and exit

-a or --use-agent
Use gpg-agent instead of letting gpg prompt the user or every UID. [default: false]

-A or --all-keys
Sign all keys on the keyring. Requires -r.

-b PATH or --gpg-path=PATH
Path to gpg binary. [default: /usr/bin/gpg]

-e or --encrypt-outfiles
Encrypt output files with respective keys.

-d or --debug
Enable debugging output.

-H HOSTNAME or --mail-host
Hostname of SMTP server. [default: localhost]

-i or --interactive
Use the pexpect module for signing and drop to the gpg shell for entering the
passphrase. [default: false]

-I or --import
Also import the unsigned keys from the keyring into the default keyring. Ignored if
-r is not specified, or if it's the same as the default keyring.

-m EMAIL or --mail
Email the encrypted, signed keys to the respective email addresses. EMAIL is the
address to send from. See also -H and -p.

-M FILE or --mail-text
Use the text in FILE as the body of email when sending out emails instead of the
default text. To see the default text use --print-default-email. Requires -m.

-n EMAIL or --override-email
Rather than send to the user, send to this address. Mostly useful for debugging.

-o OUTDIR or --out-dir
Directory to put signed keys in. [default: /tmp/pius_out]

-O or --no-pgp-mime
Do not use PGP/Mime when sending email.

-p or --cache-passphrase
Cache private key passphrase in memory and provide it to gpg instead of letting gpg
prompt the user for every UID. [default: true]

-P PORT or --mail-port
Port of SMTP server. [default: 25]

-r KEYRING or --keyring
The keyring to use. Be sure to specify full or relative path. Just a filename will
cause GPG to assume relative to ~/.gnupg. [default: ~/.gnupg/pubring.gpg]

-s SIGNER or --signer
The keyid to sign with (required).

-S or --mail-tls
Use STARTTLS when talking to the SMTP server.

-t TMP_DIR or --tmp-dir
Directory to put temporary stuff in. [default: /tmp/pius_tmp]

-T or --print-default-email
Print the default email.

-u USER or --mail-user
Authenticate to the SMTP server, and use username USER. You will be prompted for
the password. Implies -S.

-v or --verbose
Be more verbose.

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