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transformix - Online in the Cloud

Run transformix in OnWorks free hosting provider over Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator

This is the command transformix that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



transformix - apply geometric transform to an image


transformix mandatory-args [optional-args]


transformix applies a transform on an input image and/or generates a deformation field.
The transform is specified in the transform-parameter file.


Call transformix from the command line with mandatory arguments:

-out output directory

-tp transform-parameter file, only 1

Optional extra commands:

-in input image to deform

-def file containing input-image points

the point are transformed according to the specified transform-parameter file use
"-def all" to transform all points from the input-image, which effectively
generates a deformation field.

-jac use "-jac all" to generate an image with the determinant of the spatial Jacobian

-jacmat use "-jacmat all" to generate an image with the spatial Jacobian matrix at each

-priority set the process priority to high or belownormal (Windows only)

-threads set the maximum number of threads of transformix
At least one of the options "-in", "-def", "-jac", or "-jacmat" should be given.

The transform-parameter file must contain all the information necessary for transformix to
run properly. That includes which transform to use, with which parameters, etc. For a
usable transform-parameter file, see the output of elastix.

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