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xscreensaver-getimage - Online in the Cloud

Run xscreensaver-getimage in OnWorks free hosting provider over Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator

This is the command xscreensaver-getimage that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



xscreensaver-getimage - put some randomly-selected image on the root window


xscreensaver-getimage [-display host:display.screen] [--verbose] window-id [pixmap-id]


The xscreensaver-getimage program is a helper program for the xscreensaver hacks that
manipulate images. This is not a user-level command.

This program selects a random image, and puts it on the specified window or pixmap. This
image might be a snapshot of the desktop; or a frame captured from the system's video
input; or a randomly-selected image from disk.

If only a window ID is specified, the image will be painted there. If both a window ID
and a pixmap ID are specified, then the image will be painted on the pixmap; and the
window may be modified as a side-effect.


xscreensaver-getimage reads the ~/.xscreensaver file for configuration information. It
uses these settings:

Whether it is acceptable to grab snapshots of the desktop. The security paranoid
might want to turn this off, to avoid letting people see (but not touch!) your desktop
while the screen is locked.

Whether it is acceptable to grab frames of video from the system's video input.
Grabbing of video is done by invoking the xscreensaver-getimage-video(1) program.

Whether it is acceptable to display random images found on disk. Selection and
loading of images is done by invoking the xscreensaver-getimage-file(1) program.

When loading images from disk, this is the directory to find them in. The directory
will be searched recursively for images.

It may also be the URL of an RSS or Atom feed, in which case a random image from that
feed will be selected instead. The contents of the feed will be cached locally and
refreshed periodically as needed.

If none of the three options are set to True, then video colorbars will be displayed

Use xscreensaver-getimage online using onworks.net services

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