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Reliable PostgreSQL Backup Restore download for Linux

Free download Reliable PostgreSQL Backup  Restore Linux app to run online in Ubuntu online, Fedora online or Debian online

This is the Linux app named Reliable PostgreSQL Backup Restore whose latest release can be downloaded as v2.48_RepositoryStorageTags.zip. It can be run online in the free hosting provider OnWorks for workstations.

Download and run online this app named Reliable PostgreSQL Backup Restore with OnWorks for free.

Follow these instructions in order to run this app:

- 1. Downloaded this application in your PC.

- 2. Enter in our file manager https://www.onworks.net/myfiles.php?username=XXXXX with the username that you want.

- 3. Upload this application in such filemanager.

- 4. Start the OnWorks Linux online or Windows online emulator or MACOS online emulator from this website.

- 5. From the OnWorks Linux OS you have just started, goto our file manager https://www.onworks.net/myfiles.php?username=XXXXX with the username that you want.

- 6. Download the application, install it and run it.



Reliable PostgreSQL Backup Restore


pgBackRest aims to be a reliable, easy-to-use backup and restore solution that can seamlessly scale up to the largest databases and workloads by utilizing algorithms that are optimized for database-specific requirements. Compression is usually the bottleneck during backup operations but, even with now-ubiquitous multi-core servers, most database backup solutions are still single-process. pgBackRest solves the compression bottleneck with parallel processing. Utilizing multiple cores for compression makes it possible to achieve 1TB/hr raw throughput even on a 1Gb/s link. More cores and a larger pipe lead to even higher throughput. A custom protocol allows pgBackRest to backup, restore, and archive locally or remotely via TLS/SSH with minimal configuration. An interface to query PostgreSQL is also provided via the protocol layer so that remote access to PostgreSQL is never required, which enhances security.


  • Full, Incremental, & Differential Backups
  • Backup Rotation & Archive Expiration
  • Backup Integrity
  • Create coverage for any timeframe
  • All operations utilize file and directory level fsync to ensure durability
  • pgBackRest is not susceptible to the time resolution issues of rsync
  • Compression and checksum calculations are performed in stream

Programming Language



Database, Backup

This is an application that can also be fetched from https://sourceforge.net/projects/reliable-postgresql-br.mirror/. It has been hosted in OnWorks in order to be run online in an easiest way from one of our free Operative Systems.

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