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mincblob - Online in the Cloud

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This is the command mincblob that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



mincblob - calculate blobs from minc deformation grids


mincblob [<options>] <in1>.mnc


mincblob will calculate simple statistical metrics of a minc deformation grid file related
to local volume change. The input deformation grid files are typically produced by

There are currently 4 deformation grid metrics to choose from: trace, determinant,
translation and magnitude. The first two relate to different estimates of local volume
change the third is a measure of how consistent movement is in a direction but without a
local change in volume. The last calcuates the magnitude of the local deformation vector.
These metrics are all calculated with respect to a vectors immediate neighbours. No
smoothing of the field is performed as part of this calculation so if a smooth results is
desired input grid files should be first smoothed or blurred.


Note that options can be specified in abbreviated form (as long as they are unique) and
can be given anywhere on the command line.

General options

Overwrite an existing file.

Don't overwrite an existing file (default).

Print out extra information (more than the default).

-trace Compute the areas within the deformation field that equate to volume
increase or decrease (+ve or -ve dilation) Dilation is defined as the trace of the
deformation field Thus it should range between -1..1 with -1 being compression and
1 being dilation. This measure while fast is essentially a sum of partial
derivatives in all three directions.

This computes the same metric as -trace but with greater accuracy as the local
Jacobian matrix is first estimated. The first order determinant of the Jacobian is
then returned.

Compute the areas within the deformation field that equate to translation
Translation is defined as: trans = arccos( A.B / |A|.|B| ) * e^- (|A|-|B|) Thus it
should range between 0..1 with 1 being "translation".

Compute the magnitude of the local deformation vector.

Generic options for all commands:

-help Print summary of command-line options and exit.

Print the program's version number and exit.

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