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bdd - Online in the Cloud

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bdd - Mutli Reduced Ordered Binary Decision Diagrams


bdd is a library that enables to represent a boolean expression as a Multi Reduced Ordered
Binary Decision Diagrams.

viewbddallocinfo - displays memory informations.

applybddnodenot - complements a bdd.

applybddnodeterm - applies an operator on two bdd nodes.

applybddnode - applies an operator on two bdd nodes.

applybddnodeite - computes the IF-THEN-ELSE logical operation.

applybddnodelist - applies an opertor to a bdd nodes list.

addbddassoc - creates a new association variables.

addbddnodeassoc - adds a bdd node in a variable association.

delbddassoc - deletes a variable association.

delbddnodeassoc - deletes a bdd node in a variable association.

destroybddassoc - frees all the variable associations.

viewbddassoc - displays variable associations.

checkbddvar - checks the coherence of a variable.

checkbddindex - checks the coherence of a bdd index.

checkbddoper - ckecks the coherence of an operator.

checkbddassoc - checks a variable association.

checkbddmaxnode - checks if the max node reached.

createbddcircuit - creates a bdd circuit.

resetbddcircuit - resets a bdd circuit.

destroybddcircuit - frees a bdd circuit.

searchbddcircuitin - searches a specified input in a circuit.

addbddcircuitin - adds a new input in a circuit.

addbddcircuitaux - adds an auxialiary variable in a circuit.

searchbddcircuitout - searches a specified output in a circuit.

addbddcircuitout - adds a new output in a circuit.

delbddcircuitout - deletes a specified output in a circuit.

addbddcircuitabl - converts an abl to a bdd node.

- converts a bdd node to an abl.

- converts a bdd node to an abl.

viewbddcircuit - displays a bdd circuit.

cofactorbddnode - computes the generalized cofactor.

restrictbddnode - substitutes a variable by zero or one.

composebddnode - substitutes a variable by a bdd node.

convertbddindexabl - converts a bdd index to an atomic abl.

convertbddmuxabl - converts a bdd node to a multiplexor.

convertbddnodeabl - converts a bdd node to an abl.

- converts a bdd node to an abl.

existbddnodeassocon - computes an existantial quantification.

- computes an existantial quantification.

garbagebddsystem - forces a bdd garbage collection.

implybddnode - computes a bdd that implies a conjonction.

intersectbddnode - tests for an intersection.

markbddnode - marks a bdd node.

unmarkbddnode - clears a marked bdd node.

getbddnodenum - gets the number of nodes in a bdd.

getbddnodesize - gets the number of nodes in a bdd.

addbddnode - adds a new bdd node.

addbddnodelist - adds a node in a chain_list.

delbddnode - deletes a bdd node.

delbddnodelist - deletes a list of bdd nodes.

viewbddnode - displays a bdd node.

incbddrefext - increments the number of external reference.

incbddrefint - increments the number of internal reference.

decbddrefext - decrements the number of external reference.

decbddrefint - decrements the number of internal reference.

setbddrefext - sets a node visible from outside.

unsetbddrefext - sets a node invisible from outside.

- clears all the internal references.

- clears all the external references.

clearbddsystemref - clears all the references.

relprodbddnodeassoc - computes a relation product.

- reorders the bdd nodes.

- reorders the bdd nodes.

reorderbddsystemtop - reorders the bdd nodes.

- sets the dynamic reorder parameters.

satisfybddnode - finds a satisfying path for a bdd.

simpbddnodedcon - simplifies a bdd with don't cares on its on-set.

simpbddnodedcoff - simplifies a bdd with don't cares on its off-set

substbddnodeassoc - substitutes variables with bdd nodes.

getbddnodesupport - gives the support of a bdd node.

isbddvarinsupport - checks if a variable appears in a bdd node.

createbddsystem - creates a bdd system.

resetbddsystem - resets a bdd system.

destroybddsystem - frees a bdd system.

viewbddsystem - displays a bdd system.

viewbddsysteminfo - displays statisticals informations.

testbddcircuit - debbugs a bdd circuit.

addbddvar - creates a new variable.

addbddvarlast - creates a new variable.

addbddvarfirst - creates a new variable.

addbddvarbefore - creates a new variable.

addbddvarafter - creates a new variable.

sweepbddvar - sweeps all the unused nodes for a variable.

swapbddvar - swaps two contigous variables.

getbddvarbyindex - converts bdd index to a variable number.

getbddvarindex - converts a variable number in a bdd index.

getbddvarnode - gives the bdd node of a variable.

- gives the bdd node of a variable.

addbddvarauxsingle - creates an auxiliary variable.

addbddvarauxglobal - creates an auxiliary variable.

libBdd101.a :

allocbdduserfunc, allocbddheath, allocbddhnode, allocbddhoper, allocbddhnodetable,
allocbddhopertable, allocbddblock, allocbddnodeblock, allocbddvartree, allocbddvarchild,
allocbddvarnode, allocbddindexnode, allocbddvar, allocbddindex, allocbddassoc,
allocbddassocnode, allocbddnamein, allocbddindexin, allocbddsystem, allocbddcircuit,
viewbddallocinfo, applybddnodenot, applybddnodeterm, applybddnode, applybddnodeite,
applybddnodelist, addbddassoc, addbddnodeassoc, delbddassoc, delbddnodeassoc,
destroybddassoc, viewbddassoc, addbddblock, createbddblock, resetbddblock,
destroybddblock, viewbddblock, checkbddvar, checkbddindex, checkbddoper, checkbddassoc,
checkbddmaxnode, createbddcircuit, resetbddcircuit, destroybddcircuit, searchbddcircuitin,
addbddcircuitin, addbddcircuitaux, searchbddcircuitout, addbddcircuitout,
delbddcircuitout, addbddcircuitabl, convertbddcircuitabl, convertbddcircuitsumabl,
viewbddcircuit, cofactorbddnode, restrictbddnode, composebddnode, convertbddindexabl,
convertbddmuxabl, convertbddnodeabl, convertbddnodesumabl, existbddnodeassocon,
existbddnodeassocoff, freebdduserfunc, freebddheath, freebddhnode, freebddhoper,
freebddhnodetable, freebddhopertable, freebddblock, freebddnodeblock, freebddvartree,
freebddvarchild, freebddvarnode, freebddindexnode, freebddvar, freebddindex, freebddassoc,
freebddassocnode, freebddnamein, freebddindexin, freebddsystem, freebddcircuit,
garbagebddsystem, getbddheathvar, getbddheath, delbddheath, setbddhnodefunc,
getbddhnodesize, getbddhnodekey, getbddhnodeindex, checkbddhnode, createbddhnodetable,
destroybddhnodetable, resetbddhnodetable, resizebddhnodetable, stretchbddhnodetable,
addbddhnode, delbddhnode, viewbddhnode, viewbddhnodetable, viewbddindexnode,
viewbddvarnode, setbddhoperfunc, getbddhopersize, getbddhoperkey, createbddhopertable,
destroybddhopertable, resetbddhopertable, addbddhoper, searchbddhoper, viewbddhoper,
viewbddhopertable, implybddnode, intersectbddnode, markbddnode, unmarkbddnode,
getbddnodenum, getbddnodesize, addbddnode, addbddnodelist, delbddnode, delbddnodelist,
viewbddnode, incbddrefext, incbddrefint, decbddrefext, decbddrefint, setbddrefext,
unsetbddrefext, clearbddsystemrefint, clearbddsystemrefext, clearbddsystemref,
relprodbddnodeassoc, reorderbddvartreewindow2, reorderbddvartreewindow3,
reorderbddsystemsimple, reorderbddsystemwindow, reorderbddsystemtop,
reorderbddsystemdynamic, resizebddvarchild, resizebddvarnode, resizebddvar,
resizebddindexnode, resizebddindex, resizebddassocnode, resizebddnamein, resizebddindexin,
satisfybddnode, simpbddnodedcon, simpbddnodedcoff, substbddnodeassoc, getbddnodesupport,
isbddvarinsupport, createbddsystem, resetbddsystem, destroybddsystem, viewbddsystem,
viewbddsysteminfo, testbddcircuit, addbdduserfunc, delbdduserfunc, execbdduserfunc,
destroybdduserfunc, newbddvar, addbddvar, addbddvarlast, addbddvarfirst, addbddvarbefore,
addbddvarafter, sweepbddvar, swapbddvar, getbddvarbyindex, getbddvarindex, getbddvarnode,
getbddvarnodebyindex, addbddvarauxsingle, addbddvarauxglobal, searchbddvartree,
deltabddvartree, shiftbddvartree, addbddvartree, swapbddvartree, createbddvartree,
resetbddvartree, destroybddvartree, viewbddvartree.

Use bdd online using onworks.net services

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