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mysqlprocgrep - Search Server Process Lists


mysqlprocgrep [options]


This utility scans the process lists for the servers specified using instances of the
--server option and selects those that match the conditions specified using the --age and
--match-xxx options. For a process to match, all conditions given must match. The utility
then either prints the selected processes (the default) or executes certain actions on

If no --age or --match-xxx options are given, the utility selects all processes.

The --match-xxx options correspond to the columns in the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PROCESSLIST
table. For example, --match-command specifies a matching condition for PROCESSLIST.COMMAND
column values. There is no --match-time option. To specify a condition based on process
time, use --age.

Processes that can be seen and killed are subject to whether the account used to connect
to the server has the PROCESS and SUPER privileges. Without PROCESS, the account cannot
see processes belonging to other accounts Without SUPER, the account cannot kill processes
belonging to other accounts

To specify how to display output, use one of the following values with the --format

· grid (default)

Display output in grid or table format like that of the mysql monitor.

· csv

Display output in comma-separated values format.

· tab

Display output in tab-separated format.

· vertical

Display output in single-column format like that of the \G command for the mysql

mysqlprocgrep accepts the following command-line options:

· --help

Display a help message and exit.

· --age=<time>

Select only processes that have been in the current state more than a given time. The
time value can be specified in two formats: either using the hh:mm:ss format, with
hours and minutes optional, or as a sequence of numbers with a suffix giving the
period size.

The permitted suffixes are s (second), m (minute), h (hour), d (day), and w (week).
For example, 4h15m mean 4 hours and 15 minutes.

For both formats, the specification can optionally be preceded by + or -, where +
means older than the given time, and - means younger than the given time.

· --format=<format>, -f<format>

Specify the output display format. Permitted format values are grid, csv, tab, and
vertical. The default is grid.

· --kill-connection

Kill the connection for all matching processes (like the KILL CONNECTION statement).

· --kill-query

Kill the query for all matching processes (like the KILL QUERY statement).

· --match-command=<pattern>

Match all processes where the Command field matches the pattern.

· --match-db=<pattern>

Match all processes where the Db field matches the pattern.

· --match-host=<pattern>

Match all processes where the Host field matches the pattern.

· --match-info=<pattern>

Match all processes where the Info field matches the pattern.

· --match-state=<pattern>

Match all processes where the State field matches the pattern.

· --match-user=<pattern>

Match all processes where the User field matches the pattern.

· --print

Print information about the matching processes. This is the default if no
--kill-connection or --kill-query option is given. If a kill option is given, --print
prints information about the processes before killing them.

· --regexp, --basic-regexp, -G

Perform pattern matches using the REGEXP operator. The default is to use LIKE for
matching. This affects the --match-xxx options.

· --server=<source>

Connection information for a server to search in the format:
<user>[:<passwd>]@<host>[:<port>][:<socket>] or <login-path>[:<port>][:<socket>]. Use
this option multiple times to search multiple servers.

· --sql, --print-sql, -Q

Instead of displaying the selected processes, emit the SELECT statement that retrieves
information about them. If the --kill-connection or --kill-query option is given, the
utility generates a stored procedure named kill_processes() for killing the queries
rather than a SELECT statement.

· --sql-body

Like --sql, but produces the output as the body of a stored procedure without the
CREATE PROCEDURE part of the definition. This could be used, for example, to generate
an event for the server Event Manager.

When used with a kill option, code for killing the matching queries is generated. Note
that it is not possible to execute the emitted code unless it is put in a stored
routine, event, or trigger. For example, the following code could be generated to kill
all idle connections for user www-data:

$ mysqlprocgrep --kill-connection --sql-body \
> --match-user=www-data --match-state=sleep
DECLARE kill_done INT;
Id, User, Host, Db, Command, Time, State, Info
user LIKE 'www-data'
State LIKE 'sleep'
OPEN kill_cursor;
kill_loop: LOOP
FETCH kill_cursor INTO id;
END LOOP kill_loop;
CLOSE kill_cursor;

· --verbose, -v

Specify how much information to display. Use this option multiple times to increase
the amount of information. For example, -v = verbose, -vv = more verbose, -vvv =

· --version

Display version information and exit.

For the --format option, the permitted values are not case sensitive. In addition, values
may be specified as any unambiguous prefix of a valid value. For example, --format=g
specifies the grid format. An error occurs if a prefix matches more than one valid value.

The path to the MySQL client tools should be included in the PATH environment variable in
order to use the authentication mechanism with login-paths. This will allow the utility to
use the my_print_defaults tools which is required to read the login-path values from the
login configuration file (.mylogin.cnf).

For each example, assume that the root user on localhost has sufficient privileges to kill
queries and connections.

Kill all queries created by user mats that are younger than 1 minute:

mysqlprocgrep --server=root@localhost \
--match-user=mats --age=-1m --kill-query

Kill all connections that have been idle for more than 1 hour:

mysqlprocgrep --server=root@localhost \
--match-command=sleep --age=1h --kill-connection


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