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pfstore - Online in the Cloud

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pfstore - Used to create and manage a pass-phrase store.


pfstore [-n] [-d] -f pfsfile identity


-n Create the file

-d Delete given identity from the store

-f pfsfile
Specifies file that holds identity/pass-phrase pairs


pfstore is used to create and manage files that hold identity/pass-phrase pairs. It is
primarily used to manage the owampd.pfs file for owampd.

If the -d option is not specified, then pfstore prompts the caller for a pass-phrase. The
pass-phrase is hex-encoded and saved in the pfsfile with the associated identity. If the
given identity already exists in the pfsfile, the previous pass-phrase is overwritten with
the new one.

pfsfiles generated by pfstore are formatted for use with OWAMP.


pfstore generates lines of the format:

test 54b0c58c7ce9f2a8b551351102ee0938

An identity, followed by whitespace, followed by a variable-length hex-encoded pass-

No other text is allowed on these lines; however, comment lines may be added. Comment
lines are any line where the first non-white space character is '#'.


pfstore -f /etc/owampd/owampd.pfs testuser

Adds a pass-phrase for the identity testuser. The user is prompted for a pass-
phrase. If the file does not exist, an error message will be printed and no action
will be taken.

pfstore -f /etc/owampd/owampd.pfs -n testuser

Creates the file before doing the same as above. If the file already exists, an
error message will be printed and no action will be taken.

pfstore -f /etc/owampd/owampd.pfs -d testuser

Deletes the identity testuser from the pfsfile. If the file does not exist, an
error message will be printed and no action will be taken.


The pass-phrases in the pfsfile are not encrypted in any way; they are simply hex-encoded.
The security of these pass-phrases is completely dependent upon the security of the
filesystem and the discretion of the system administrator.


identity names are restricted to 80 characters.

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