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sunstone-server - Online in the Cloud

Run sunstone-server in OnWorks free hosting provider over Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator

This is the command sunstone-server that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



sunstone-server - OpenNebula Sunstone web control interface


sunstone-server [-H host] [-p port]


-H: Host for the Sunstone server, default value: localhost -p: Port for incoming
connections, default value: 9869

Usage: sunstone-server [-H host] [-p port]

-H: Host for the Sunstone server, default value: localhost -p: Port for incoming
connections, default value: 9869


OpenNebula is Copyright 2002-2011, Distributed Systems Architecture Group, Universidad
Complutense de Madrid (dsa-research.org)

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